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  1. K

    New idea

    How about GPS checkrow silvopasture bushhogging? Mowed 2 times per year. Let trees seed themselves or even add some for timber. Visiting with neighbors they stated that they wish they’d left some shade. Another said 40 years ago planted trees would be less work and more returns than just cattle.
  2. K

    Our kids have situation, wondering if anyone else been through it

    They decided not to try save the old house.
  3. K

    Too lean beef

    Thanks for replying. The calves are on their moms and grass only.
  4. K

    Too lean beef

    We sell baby beef age 7-9 months of age straight off the cow. Our customers love the amount and the tenderness but comment that the meat is too lean. Is there something we can do to remedy?
  5. K

    Whole or cracked

    SUBSCRIBE NOW NEWS MARKETS WEATHER AUCTIONS CLASSIFIEDS EVENTS RECIPES SHOP Get 4 Weeks of Farm and Dairy Home DeliveredSign Up for your FREE Trial Home News Feeding beef cows hay during winter months can tear up farm budget... News Feeding beef cows hay during winter months can tear up farm...
  6. K

    Whole or cracked

    Recently I read a study from a University, don’t remember which, that had did a trial feeding mamma cows in drought with very small amounts hay. They fed both WSC and processed. They’re results were for WSC. Fed with some protein. The whole corn remaining in cows tank longer. We’ve fed WSC...
  7. K

    Back surgery?

    Anyone had lower back surgery? What did you have done and what is your outcome? I have had lower back pain for 40+ years. I goes from dull to severe depending on what I do. This summer I had more issues after haying and pasture clippings than before. Didn’t clip second time which I wanted. I...
  8. K

    Our kids have situation, wondering if anyone else been through it

    They inherited an old old house that’s been remodeled at least twice. It’s also had several additional parts added over the years. The house is settling, boards and drywall seams moving. They’ve been fortunate that they’re out of debt, but they think that’s going to change. All the work will be...
  9. K

    Identify grass and suggest usage?

    I’m not sure if it’s headed yet,or if sheep are nipping them off.
  10. K

    Identify grass and suggest usage?

    I’m looking for ideas of what to do with this grass to improve soil and or feed stock. First, what kind it it? Then I am tossing around what to do with it. Nothing? Just leave for future? Bale? Mow and leave? Mob graze it?TIA
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  14. K

    Show me your herd bull

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  16. K

    New math

    Illusionometry, good one.
  17. K

    Selling cattle question

    I dairyed up till recently which we kept all heifers for replacement.kept few cows, put beef bull with them.
  18. K

    New math

    Inflation is 6% according to media. Dog food today was up 35% from couple months ago. Butter up 70%. And on and on. My prices and my math don’t work.