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  1. D

    cheaters never tournament fraud

    Back in the rodeo days it was said, "If you ain't cheating, you ain't trying".
  2. D

    Went fishing

    This morning I drove over to my good trout fishing spot. I have done real good there in the past. 18-20 inch Rainbow Trout. But it just doesn't work if the wind is blowing. The forecast said winds light and variable. Well they were wrong. It was blowing. I fought it for an hour and said...
  3. D

    Went fishing

    I thought about taking the camera. Once we were out on the water I thought I wish I had remembered to bring the camera.
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    Went fishing

    On the Snake River. This was on the pool up stream from the Brownlee Dam. This is the up stream end of what becomes Hell's Canyon. Beautiful scenery and the river was flat as glass today. It was a good thing it was a beautiful day to enjoy the river because we never had a single nibble...
  5. D

    That time of year

    Here we are nearly to June and I have yet to see a rattler. Of course having some morning temperatures in the low 30's probably helps that. I have seen a number of Bull snakes so the snakes are out but moving very slow.
  6. D

    The best play I have seen in baseball.

    Coaching T ball I had a girl do an unassisted triple play. Runners on first and second. She was extremely shallow center field. Fly ball both runners go. She caught the fly, stepped on second and tagged the runner coming from first. It was T ball but this 7 year old girl did it on her own...
  7. D

    Be careful with those guns.....

    We had a bird trying to build a nest in the eve of the house. I was gone down to the beach on a clam tide. Youngest daughter saw said bird. Went out the door with a 22. The bird flew away. She walked around the house and picked something up. Now she has whatever she picked up in her left...
  8. D

    Be careful with those guns.....

    I just found out a young man I know shot himself in the big toe. Mid 20's ranch raised young man who has been around guns all his life. Had a 22 pistol twirling it around like some Hollywood gunfighter. Some others told him to put it away before it went off. He stuck it back in the holster...
  9. D

    That time of year

    Saw a cartoon this week. Two cowboys standing in knee deep snow feeding cows with snow blowing by. Caption read, "Weather like this almost makes me wish for mosquitoes, yellow jackets, and rattle snakes."
  10. D

    That time of year

    I have seen several bull snake and gardener snakes in the last week or so. That means the rattlers will be showing up soon. But it is cold enough today that any snake would be moving very slow.
  11. D

    Thermal/night vision?

    After the wolves killed calves here last fall nearly everyone bought a thermal. I don't know what they cost but I do know that the coyote population has taken a pretty good hit. If anyone shot a big dog they are keeping the mouth shut as they should.
  12. D

    Warmer days = bass biting

    Question? What is this warm weather you talk about? And people go outside with just a light shirt or T shirt?
  13. D

    Warmer days = bass biting

    We are between. Too much ice to fish. And the ice is too weak to ice fish on. Got to wait a couple months to fish.
  14. D

    Super bowl

    Toward the end of the 2nd quarter I left to go do calf check. So did 3 other guys. I think I was the last one back. I missed the first 2 minutes of the 3rd. So I missed the entire half time show. There was enough going on at the party that I never noticed a single commercial. There was...
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    Super bowl

    It was a decent game to watch. Won at the end of over time. But I wonder, what was the over and under on how many times they would show Taylor Swift?
  16. D

    Always wanted a Colt 1911

    My youngest son told my brother that he always wanted a 1911. Brother was an extremely successful competitive shooter. He said that he has 8 of them. I imagine several of them are match grade.
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    Sugar Bowl

    Lots of the games were that way. Oregon State got embarrassed by Notre Dame. They were missing half a dozen key players and their head coach left to take another job. But the two games last night were good. The two teams who should win both did. But there was enough screw ups to keep it...
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    Want Solitude?

    I see your point. There is thinking and then there is thinking. Working in an office with 140 engineers would very often be insane. The big out there is certainly peaceful but it can and will kill you if you don't pay attention.
  19. D

    Want Solitude?

    Oh, here you best be thinking and paying attention. Note my original post we drove 48 miles on a Saturday afternoon in June and only passed one car. Every winter some people follow a map or GPS and get stuck out in the middle of no where. They don't all survive. Lots of that there is no cell...
  20. D

    Which big gun would you want?

    Some years back I shot a nice 5x5 bull on opening day. So I was reduced to chief cook and bottle washer and driver hauling the kids around. One afternoon I was in the local watering hole. I was talking to a young man who had also got his elk. He was telling me the story. Shot it twice in...