Recent content by 7kaufman

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  1. 7

    Another crazy heifer

    That is interesting. I will have to ask my vet about that, he had recomended it to me to use. I have been using it for several years and I have never had any problems. But I will have to look into it more. It does help in some situations though.
  2. 7

    calves have bloody scours

    how old are these calves? Do there bums have a black matt look? How much blood is in the manure? It does sound like coccidiosis to me but never sure for a fact. Some people say it doesn't do anything, but try and give 120cc of peptobimol twice a day oraly, and revibe 2 twice a day oraly and...
  3. 7

    Another crazy heifer

    This is a little bit of a late reply to your situation. But I use a drug called atravet on cows lke that. Calms them right down in about 30 min. I also use that to graft calves onto cows. It works every time.
  4. 7

    Another crazy heifer

    This is a little bit of a late reply to your situation. But I use a drug called atravet on cows lke that. Calms them right down in about 30 min. I also use that to graft calves onto cows. It works every time.
  5. 7


    These calves in particular have not been diagnosed with having coccidiosis. I'm just going by previous experiance. The Trivetrin does seem to be working, and as for the pepto, well the vet had recamened it just to help with the stomich. These calves also seem to be over the hump and are back on...
  6. 7

    Upside down calves

    It is kinda odd, to have upside down calvesin a row. I can see with twins how that could happen. There may not be as much room in the womb and when the calves get bigger they can't move as much. I had a this year that had a calf that was head first. The year before that she had a calf that was...
  7. 7


    I'd have to say thaat cows are dumbest smartest animals there are.
  8. 7

    Backwards Calves.

    Hello. Does anyone know what causes a backwards calf? I have heard a few different reasons. I'm just curious on other reasons. I have heard of it happening if your cows don't get enough exercise, or if you have alot of ice during the winter, or if you have a bull that was born backwards and he...
  9. 7


    Hi I have a few 3 week old calves that seem to have a bad case of coccidiosis. Does anyone have any tips or solutions? I have been using Trivetrin and peptobismol and it seems to help but takes a while. Any tips or comments would be helpful.