Whole or cracked

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Well-known member
Jan 27, 2019
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Fayette County Texas
Does anyone have information/opinion on whether feeding out steers with whole corn or cracked is better (useable, digestible, etc.)? Around here cracked corn is about $4.00 per bag more than whole corn. I did some research and it seems that cracked is marginally better, some 10-15% more digestible.

Reason I ask is that I have been using an antique hand cranked cracking machine because I'm trying to cut cost and $4.00 a day makes a difference on a 100+ day feeding. You can imagine how much fun that is. I could buy an electric one (anyone have one? comments?) but again I am trying to save costs.

Am I being overly cheap? Should I just feed whole corn and not look back?
I read a couple of older posts concerning this question and the consensus was WSC is the way to go. Jeanne Simme Valley has a lot of information on the subject that backs up the argument for using WSC over cracked.
I like cracked corn a lot better. To the extent that I'm looking for a roller mill.
Lots of people use whole corn, but the if it wasn't better to crack the corn. The big feed lots wouldn't be doing it.
I like to feed cracked just because some seem to eat it better. Or at least take to it faster. But at that price difference I'd feed whole.
There are a few threads on CT regarding this and quite a bit of research available on the web. I generally feed cracked/rolled/ground because I have the capability. But I've also fed WSC and it works perfectly fine. And many on here swear by it.

In the situation you are mentioning it seems clear to use WSC and save your time/effort.
Does anyone have information/opinion on whether feeding out steers with whole corn or cracked is better (useable, digestible, etc.)? Around here cracked corn is about $4.00 per bag more than whole corn. I did some research and it seems that cracked is marginally better, some 10-15% more digestible.

Reason I ask is that I have been using an antique hand cranked cracking machine because I'm trying to cut cost and $4.00 a day makes a difference on a 100+ day feeding. You can imagine how much fun that is. I could buy an electric one (anyone have one? comments?) but again I am trying to save costs.

Am I being overly cheap? Should I just feed whole corn and not look back?
Actually saw a professor who also runs his own feedlot on YouTube (but forgot which video) mention that for marbling, you need energy or some kind of enzyme to pass through to the second stomach. He mentioned that steers actually chew whole corn just fine to finish them out. But I have no direct experience.
I have less feet trouble when using whole corn.

Cattle will pick cracked over the whole. But will eat whole just fine. And do fine on it.

I think Jeanne said she seen something like 8 or 10 percent difference in feed efficiency orsomething. Cracked vs whole.

Safer bet is whole corn. But to each their own.
Feeding whole corn is easiest. I mix a bag of corn with a bag of feed which also contains 50% cracked corn for a 75% corn ration. It provides extra minerals and vitamins and other fillers. Right now the corn is $11.25 and the feed mix is $11.45. If I pass a Bucees, I'll stop and get 10-15 bags of corn as it it is a bit cheaper. I don't have the facilities to get bulk loads so I am stuck with buying it in bags. But I only raise 5-10 per year so adding facilities is out.

Processor says I am producing high choice to low prime animals and he is pleased at what he sees, so I guess it is working.

Thanks for the comments .... whole corn it is. No more corn dust on everything in the shop.
Would it be possible to add a motor your machine? The picture is one on Craigslist.

Yes, but the difference in cost after buying a motor and fabrication is negligible compared to a new motorized unit. If I continue cracking, I'll buy a motorized unit albeit not nearly as well built as this one.

This antique unit could be worth more as is. I can remember my Uncle using it over 60 years ago;my Mom may have used it when she was a kid to crack some chicken feed (she would have been 100 this year).
@Jeanne - Simme Valley can give you all of the info on this.

I consider her one of the experts on this forum regarding this topic. I have read many of her posts on the technique she uses. WSC is what she calls it and it took me a while to figure out what that was; Whole Shelled Corn. Had I heeded her advice and not gone down this path, I would have been better off no doubt. But sometime I have to get burnt to remind me that fire is always hot......
Recently I read a study from a University, don't remember which, that had did a trial feeding mamma cows in drought with very small amounts hay. They fed both WSC and processed. They're results were for WSC. Fed with some protein. The whole corn remaining in cows tank longer. We've fed WSC soaked and they took to it better than dry.
We've fed WSC soaked and they took to it better than dry.
Now your talking on a whole new level. We used to feed 14,000 bu a year of high moisture shell corn that got rolled. Cattle did extremely well, but with wet silage and wet corn you have to be careful, you can accidentally limit their intake. Once the silo got empty and the corn was coming out of a bin you could get more lbs per day of intake.
It has been a few years since I bought either, but used to be 50 cents difference in cracked and whole for 50 lb bags at TSC. Whole was $5 and cracked was $5.50 Today, it is $14.79 for whole, $14.99 for cracked, just 20 cents difference.

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