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Hard to upgrade that kind.

Usually, light heifers are better buys here than males. Are you buying both sexes?
Here the heifers are only a better buy when compared to the top steers. I only have 2 heifers which were both bought by mistake. I thought the auctioneer said they were steers. He might have said that. He says the wrong thing at times. Either way they are good heifers which cost me $1.77. On 23 steers and bulls I am averaging about $1.90.
I did the math. The 23 steers averaged weighing 380 and cost $1.89 and a hair more. Works out to $724.69 a head. Also one group of 3 I bought came from B's former hired man. Last Saturday B came to get all the F-1 Wagyu calves here. He looked at the calves and said want to make some money on that calf? One of the ex hired man's was an F-1 Wagyu. He was shipping the F-1 calves. Put that one on the load. I paid $1.75 on Wednesday. He went on a load for $2.65 on Saturday. I would like to do one of those every day.

I couldn't get all the calves to line up and pose for me. There is 4 smokey, 4 solid reds, 1 Hereford, 1 brokle face red calf, 3 black brokle face, and 12 black calves. Seven of them were bulls

I did the math. The 23 steers averaged weighing 380 and cost $1.89 and a hair more. Works out to $724.69 a head. Also one group of 3 I bought came from B's former hired man. Last Saturday B came to get all the F-1 Wagyu calves here. He looked at the calves and said want to make some money on that calf? One of the ex hired man's was an F-1 Wagyu. He was shipping the F-1 calves. Put that one on the load. I paid $1.75 on Wednesday. He went on a load for $2.65 on Saturday. I would like to do one of those every day.

I couldn't get all the calves to line up and pose for me. There is 4 smokey, 4 solid reds, 1 Hereford, 1 brokle face red calf, 3 black brokle face, and 12 black calves. Seven of them were bulls

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Dave do you work the bulls? If so up to what weight?