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  1. snake67


    Horns / scurs prevents showing? What kind of club is THAT? LOLOL! Bunch of candyass city slicker wannabees. Cut them out - spend the money - do it right and have your veterinarian do it. But only if you are determined to show. I personally would tell them to eff off but that is me and not...
  2. snake67

    Dehorning ?????

    Do not get me started Bez
  3. snake67

    Dehorning ?????

    LOL You sneaky dog - I take a lot of heat over my comments and my ideas and you roll in and prove I have a point after all. Where have you been for the past few years? Bez
  4. snake67

    Dehorning ?????

    Still in the office - I called home to ask about the strength of the drug. Wife says we are out - I used the last of it last week to repair a rip in the front leading edge of back leg of a cow that decided to go running through the woods in deep snow. Sorry, I honestly have no clue what the...
  5. snake67

    Dehorning ?????

    Greybeard - the first article will answer most of your questions and is better written than I could ever do. Bez ___________________________________________________________ To all: I am sitting in my office and the power for the flight simulator went down as a tractor trailer rammed the...
  6. snake67

    Dehorning ?????

    LOL! Too true! Bez
  7. snake67

    Dehorning ?????

    Yes it is lidocaine and I get it from my vet in large bottles I am jammed for time but more than happy to discuss tonight when I get home They feel nothing - and it is good for business as it is now a medical procedure rather than the perceived cruelty of torture - and it will eventually come...
  8. snake67

    Dehorning ?????

    All my cows have horns - we have run hundreds if not thousands through our chutes and squeezes. All my calves get done by freezing them and removing them painlessly. Less pain - more weight gain. It also allows an easy and painless burn to stop bleeding and crust over the area to keep the...
  9. snake67

    Never seen calf suck ever????

    In fact it would be dead if it was not sucking - so it is sucking - time to relax and enjoy the evening Bez
  10. snake67

    5 month old Angus bull weak in front legs

    He was probably just being nice to you Cheers Bez
  11. snake67

    5 month old Angus bull weak in front legs

    Seems we are getting a run on this type of thing lately. Got some private nasties sent to me on my earlier comments about a guy losing calves so I will do it differently this morning to prevent offending people who do not like my delivery. Five months old. 2.5 pounds of gain per day minimum...
  12. snake67

    Anyone w/ experience w/ frozen hooves on valuable calves?

    Good luck - I look forward to hearing how it goes Bez
  13. snake67

    Anyone w/ experience w/ frozen hooves on valuable calves?

    Forget the talk and hearsay my friend. And do not cheap out on the recovery protocol Contact the University of Guelph in Guelph, Ontario, Canada Ask to speak with someone in the veterinary college. You can follow the train from there. No disrespect intended but I suspect there are not too...
  14. snake67

    Running out of hay!

    I waited to see if anyone would step in and answer - no one did so I decided to answer it my way - the same way my own father would have answered me if I had asked the same whining question. Hay problem in Texas? I wish I had those troubles seeing as to the hundreds of bales I feed out every...
  15. snake67

    used meds

    Stick a clean needle in the bottle next time and pull the one on the syringe off after using. Then, attach the syringe to the needle in the bottle and refill - being careful not to push anything in to the bottle. Detach the syringe from the needle in the bottle and re-attach the used needle...
  16. snake67

    Hair loss on one of my heifers..

    No panic - quite likely lice - sun will kill them in time - benign neglect is the best Cheers Bez
  17. snake67

    nose flap weaning?

    One week and many, if not all will be right back sucking on Moms tits Do it right and separate them until that cow has another calf at side There is a reason that most people separate their animals - if you do not have the space then pen the calves and feed them for at least 6 months Best to...
  18. snake67

    Heifer has skin sores or spots - thought I would ask here

    Nothing a little time and sun light will not clear up No problems to worry about Bez
  19. snake67

    1 month old calf not drinking

    Got to leave the "kindness stick" in the back of the truck for this one While loose it was stealing to live if there are other cattle around - if not it was doing fine off Mom Nature With the additional information it sounds to me like you are slowly killing the animal. Feed it or it will die...
  20. snake67

    1 month old calf not drinking

    What did you use to pin it up - nails or screws? Sounds like you got a problem and we do not even know if you know anything about calves let alone where you are located - best to hit up a veterinarian or a knowledgeable neighbour - and do it yesterday! Bez