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  1. Txwalt

    subsidize gasoline and diesel

    Good point! Walt
  2. Txwalt

    Where's my Xmas bonus?

    Its called a bonus for a reason. Walt
  3. Txwalt

    quit smoking

    For those that smoke and want to quit I did forget to mention my favorite part of using the e-cig. Its all the vapor that comes out after you take a drag off it. Sometimes I just puff on it and don't inhale just to make clouds of vapor. Sounds childish but I think its a big part of quitting...
  4. Txwalt

    quit smoking

    The cool thing about e-cigs is all the options. The different flavors also come in different nicotine levels. I'm using 12mg. My wife on the other hand is using 24mg. The initial cost for a kit is $60 or so but, if she quit smoking you would see a savings within a few weeks depending on how...
  5. Txwalt

    quit smoking

    I bought a joyetech eGo. Battery lasts all day. Nicotine level is basically adjustable. Different flavors from bubble gum to barbeque. I have a couple of friends that have purchased them also after seeing mine. No more smoke smell. No more standing outside in the cold to smoke. Walt
  6. Txwalt

    quit smoking

    I think I finally got it licked. I purchased one of those e-cigs. Its awesome! The Kit cost $60. I think in just a couple of weeks I'll start seeing the savings. Just wanted to share just in case anyone else is ready to quit. Just do a little web browsing before jumping in. Walt
  7. Txwalt

    Bush memoirs

    People like to generalize when bashing politicians. Its much harder to be specific. Congress writes the laws. They also write the budget. Walt
  8. Txwalt

    Texas Motto.

    I think it should be "Hell or high water". Seems that is the two weather reports we get. Walt
  9. Txwalt

    It really is a great country...another example

    I say we bite the bullet and put those people on the unemployment rolls too. If I start growing the stuff someone is going to have to test it before it gets shipped out. Walt
  10. Txwalt

    It really is a great country...another example

    At $50 an ounce I'll be the first one to start growing the stuff. Walt
  11. Txwalt

    It really is a great country...another example

    I wonder how this will work under Obama care? Walt
  12. Txwalt


    My Mother would dice it up along with onions and throw it in the scrabled eggs before cooking it. Everyone that tried it liked it. Its been a long time since I've had it. I might need to go shopping and buy some spam after work. Walt
  13. Txwalt

    Hauling Cattle in the SEAT

    Can anyone make out the License plate? I'm really curious what state thats in. Walt
  14. Txwalt

    rain in Texas
  15. Txwalt

    rain in Texas

    I think everyone is getting rain this time. Walt
  16. Txwalt


    When was the last time a thread was locked? Seems we've had a pretty good run. Walt
  17. Txwalt

    Who lost a shoe ... i_old_shoe Walt
  18. Txwalt

    leather hobby

    I bought my makarov for $150 maybe 5 years ago. Back then they were all over the place. Last few gun shows I went to you can't find them anymore. Thanks for the compliment too. Walt
  19. Txwalt

    leather hobby

    I've never worked with gator skin but I think I can point you in the right direction. I bet someone on that site can help you out. Walt
  20. Txwalt

    leather hobby

    Some stuff I made. Nothing fancy. Just some functional stuff. I've been making dog collars and key chains latley. Just havn't downloaded the stuff off the camera yet. Walt