winner "My Favorite Photo"

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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2006
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Alberta, Canada
Congratulations Coyote !!!!!!!!!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Fantastic photo :D We all can see why it is a favorite .

Fabulous entries everyone and we have a new record number of voters . Thank you all who entered and voted . :tiphat:
I want to protest. I think the blk one was photoshopped. :shock: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:

Seriously! Congrats! :tiphat: great picture
Great photo! I can just hear the lead sheep looking back and saying "Ya'll are covering my six aren't you?"
Congrats Coyote, very nice pic! That looks to be the sheep's daily routine? I enjoyed the couple of stragglers 8)

Now those were all fantastic pics, I thoroughly enjoyed them. If there are any of the other participants, not just the winner, who would like to share some details about their photo with us please do so. I'll start with the little girl with the pigtails - a pic of my niece when she was much younger, she would never speak to me again if she knew I had entered that pic, she hates it :) . She is now a beautiful teenager with long auburn hair all the way down to her hips, a lovely person inside and out.
Mine was #1. It was taken about 11yrs ago while Elk hunting with my oldest son. He was home on leave from the Air Force and it was our last evening to hunt together. We had seen some Elk at about 1000yds and knew that if we could get over the next hill(big hill) we might get a shot. What i found out the hard way is a 50yr old cannot run up mtns like a 21 yr old. I finally got so winded I told him to go for it and I would bring the knives if he got a shot.
I was hunkered over trying not to puke or pass out(we were @ 10,000 ft.) when I looked up to the South and saw that picture framed just like that. I finally got enuf breath to take the shot just before the light changed, We didn't get an Elk that night but we had a great hunt and then I shipped him back to the Air Force. That was in 2,000 the year bfore the World changed forever for all of us and that is one of the reasons it means so much to me!
Congratulations Coyote, that's a pretty neat picture, for sure.

As for my picture (which was #2), I did share some details in the poll thread but I'll say a bit more here. That picture is of Pyramid Mountain taken right on the frozen Pyramid Lake on I believe Christmas of 2002 or something, can't quite remember (feels like a looooong time ago), in Jasper National Park. Me my folks and my DB and his then-fiance (now wife) and yellow lab Maggie visited the lake that day for just a little day-hike. It was a beautiful day, as you can well-see from the picture, and the ice crystals forming on the lake (not to mention looking down into the depths of the lake from on top of the ice!) were simply amazing. Dad was the one that took that picture, and I still cannot believe how he managed to take such a photo without any sort of technology or a tripod to keep it perfectly straight like that. When I first seen the picture after being developed from the old 38 mm camera we had, I had to flip to the back of the photo to see if it wasn't a two-piece photo like many of you noticed before! :)
Mine was #4 and is a picture of my grandad. Word has it that he was the hotrodder on horse back of his community in Hopkins County, TX. He was a working cowboy and later became a sharecropper where my farm is. He taught me more about life than my dad. I sure do miss him.
Mine was # 6. Grandson's first year of T-Ball. You can tell he takes after his granddad. He's acting like a pitcher but wearing a batting helmet. Everytime I see this pic I'm amazed at the innocence of children.
Mine was #10 the two pigtailed blondies. My daughter is on the right showing my niece "How to catch a chicken". Sometimes you don't need to see faces to know what they're thinking. Love that picture.
"stairway to heaven", nice way of putting it Alison. That (12) is the path down from Farnthams Peak on Mount Taranaki. It was also the day I met two young people who were more pleased to see me than pretty much anyone gets... I needed to get back for milking, and before the mist came down too thick, and had not long turned towards home when I saw two figures materialise off to my right, and stood and waited for them. They'd gone exploring off the path while it was still bright and clear, and started to despair of ever finding it again.

Now where's Coyote? I'd like to know where those sheep are going.
Thanks guys. One day I came into the yard and I saw the sheep heading out to eat in a long line, and I said to myself that would be a neat picture, and it could maybe even win a photo contest. ;-) So the next sunny day we had, I took a camera and bale out on top of the hill and waited to see if the sheep would replica what I saw the previous time . The sheep did what they were suppose to, who said sheep were stupid? The batteries worked and the memory card was in the camera that time.
#4 would be mine. Last spring, we got together with my folks for a birthday celebration. As they are getting "some" age on them and not moving around very well, I wanted to get some new shots of them... We took them to a local park that has a small duck and fishing pond with benches and rocks for seating. The first of these shots when I had Mom kiss him on the cheek, Pop got the biggest "crap-eating grin on his face...
slick4591":2bf3s73v said:
Mine was #4 and is a picture of my grandad. Word has it that he was the hotrodder on horse back of his community in Hopkins County, TX. He was a working cowboy and later became a sharecropper where my farm is. He taught me more about life than my dad. I sure do miss him.
great photo
ALACOWMAN":33p1wt3q said:
slick4591":33p1wt3q said:
Mine was #4 and is a picture of my grandad. Word has it that he was the hotrodder on horse back of his community in Hopkins County, TX. He was a working cowboy and later became a sharecropper where my farm is. He taught me more about life than my dad. I sure do miss him.
great photo


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