Who uses a Vet?

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to the OP's original question
I use a vet for calfhood(brucellosis) vaccinations
I use a vet to semen test bulls
I use a vet to preg check cows
If something comes along I can't handle yes I use a vet and I have a good relationship with 2 local vets that do large animals
on pulling calves if I can't pull it he will tell ya that he can't either so it is a c-section and he has actually told neighbors to call me if it is late at night or if he is tied up and can't get there

it doesn't matter how large or small you are everyone that has cows needs to have a good relationship with their vet
I don't buy vaccines from him I buy them as cheap as he does) but I do get a few meds from him
Jeanne - Simme Valley":3c3untrg said:
Other than flushing/implanting and 1 necropsy - I don't think I have ever had a bill that was as much as $150 for 1 call/treatment/service.
I have never had a vet bill for treating a sick animal to be $150
My preg check bill is alot higher than that but it is only $3pr hd and $25 for farm visit
I really don't think I've ever paid $150 either. To have the vet come out and pull a calf is $55, I think, been a couple of years.
BHB, with all due respect, looks to me like you spent $275 for a dead heifer calf that observation would have prevented. Sometimes we ask the vet to cure an impossible case when an animal is sick. I had my first case of lumpjaw this fall, knew the cow was acting off, so called the vet. He treated her for what had been in the area lately, and 2 days later I noticed this lump on her jaw that hadn't been there. Didn't know what it was, so waited another week for the cow to start eating, when she didn't I called the vet back, he treated her, but she never ate and died.
Not the vets fault, just inexperence on my part that killed the cow. I waited too long then wanted him to cure her. gs
alos to the Blackcoos
why are you waiting for your hfrs to be near 2yrs old before breeding
there have actually been studies done that prove a heifer that calves before 30 months has an easier time because of her pelvic bones( i believe ) haven't fused yet and it allows them to spread easier

as for calving hfrs I don't mind it at all
I have calved anywhere from 25-30 a yr to 200+ a yr and all it takes is paying attention and spending a little time with them
Where did my post go :?

I love heifers ,they are your future herd . ;-)

We see our vet professionally at least twice a year. Herd health/preg check in the fall and bull soundness exams in the spring. Having a good working relationship with a vet and their practice is essential, as you never know when they are going to save your but .

Dr U also saved our puppy from a lifetime of pain and possibly euthanization, I will be forever grateful for that .
Just figured out our vet costs for 2010. This includes IVs of 4 liters of ringers every other day for a total of 18 times. Total was 24 bucks per cow for the year. That includes call vaccinations, treating the scour deal with the IVs, dehorning, farm visits, medicines, etc.
dun":39w6qsf2 said:
Just figured out our vet costs for 2010. This includes IVs of 4 liters of ringers every other day for a total of 18 times. Total was 24 bucks per cow for the year. That includes call vaccinations, treating the scour deal with the IVs, dehorning, farm visits, medicines, etc.

For that, I might use a local vet if he/she were available.

Dun it just aint happening here where I am.
dun":1g1gvpx0 said:
Just figured out our vet costs for 2010. This includes IVs of 4 liters of ringers every other day for a total of 18 times. Total was 24 bucks per cow for the year. That includes call vaccinations, treating the scour deal with the IVs, dehorning, farm visits, medicines, etc.

Not bad for cattle. I think I spend more on the dogs and cats last year than on the cows.
I sort of figured I was doing my Own studies, cause I sure have not learned all there is to know about cattle. I bought my meds from a Vet 3 years ago, big time cattle man had me covinced the Meds From Vets were better....Same product I use twice as high.....2 $ per cow 6 bucks per calf..my cost meds this year, not counting ivec....I VAC ALL MY COWS..Heifers, bulls, steers, all of them..
Those of you who don't have a vet, I have a question. Where do you get the good drugs that are only sold through vets?

I couldn't get by without BoSe, Banamine, Lutalyse, Cystorelin, Polyflex, Baytril or Draxxin.
backhoeboogie":1bpz0f1z said:
plumber_greg":1bpz0f1z said:
If you can make losing a $1500 cow to save $150 vet fee, just so you might or might not know what to do next time, pencil out more power to you. gs

With all do respect, I have not had a vet fee for under $250 in many years.

If you have any animal from the sale barn, you are SOL with all local vets should something go wrong. They will tell you it is your own fault for buying animals from the sale barn. Don't want the animal at their clinic and they don't want to come out.

I count my lucky stars I have the access to the vet that I do have - even if it is long distance. He can call me in prescriptions.
I woundn't give you a nickel for a vet that woundn't work on any cow. Sale barn or not.
jkwilson":1szlhei8 said:
Those of you who don't have a vet, I have a question. Where do you get the good drugs that are only sold through vets?

I couldn't get by without BoSe, Banamine, Lutalyse, Cystorelin, Polyflex, Baytril or Draxxin.

You mustn't be a very good cattleman if you need the good drugs. I hear LA200 cures everything ... :p :lol: :hide:

Alot of the really big operations can bypass the vet and go straight to the pharmaceutical company like Pfizer, Schering Plough etc. It is making it a lot harder out there for LA vets to break even, they usually made their money on drugs and could give you a break on their own fees but when the drug company sells direct at cost or just above , it is a hard deal to turn down .

I know it is hard for the livestock sector to break even but the good LA vets out there are having a tough time too, with all the new regs here and the government breathing down their backs at every turn it is no wonder most go into the small animal sector now.
We are a small herd like you and do all that we can ourselves. We call one when needed and usually buy vaccines from them most of them time. He gives me a good deal on needles and syringes, better than Valley Vet. His prices on meds and vaccines are usually only slightly higher than Valley Vet before shipping so in the long run about the same. We use a couple different vets and I feel buying stuff from them helps when you need them.

I compared my costs to Dun's and we spent about $25 per adult head last year including wormer, vaccines, bull test, preg check and whatever else.
Only time I use one is for semen testing. I just can't buy the equipment for what he charges.
Get the "good drugs" elsewhere at a lot better price.
Black Coos":1vyq4pjc said:
I sort of figured I was doing my Own studies, cause I sure have not learned all there is to know about cattle. I bought my meds from a Vet 3 years ago, big time cattle man had me covinced the Meds From Vets were better....Same product I use twice as high.....2 $ per cow 6 bucks per calf..my cost meds this year, not counting ivec....I VAC ALL MY COWS..Heifers, bulls, steers, all of them..
The "good meds" in Texas are all "prescription only". Three year old meds...didn't know most had a 3 year shelf life. Best of luck to you anyway.
The big question is why would anyone want to go through eight years of difficult study to become a doctor of veterinary medicine, and go out and pull a calf for $55, and be used as cheap labor, and have to peddle drugs in competition with big supply companies?

Mechanics make more money and don't have to make housecalls and don't have to sell stuff to make a living. They can work in a climate controlled building with regular hours.
The "good meds" in Texas are all "prescription only". [/quote]
Suppose to be here also but I have no problem getting them in TN. They may get me sometime for transporting drugs across state lines. ;-)
djinwa":2u1chubh said:
Mechanics make more money and don't have to make housecalls and don't have to sell stuff to make a living. They can work in a climate controlled building with regular hours.
You need to tell my employer that. :lol2: :lol2:

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