Well that's a first...

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Feb 3, 2008
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Central Texas
Neighbor called yesterday abut mid morning asking if I knew someone had run through the fence. Of course I had not been out that way and did not know but no cows were in that pasture so I said I'd wait for better weather to fix it. This morning at church he asked if I knew who ran through it. Again I do not know. Anyway, he said a couple people were out their when he came to church. Sure enough, after church I went and looked and it is fixed.

Whoever ran through it has earned my respect.
That's good. In 46 of years of living here only one person has fixed the fence back out of many many run throughs. About 1/3 of them have insurance, The rest either don't have insurance or we never even know who it was.
Have had them run through the fence and then tear up a gate to get out of the field.
When I was in high school a friend of mine ran off the road, through the ditch, and in to a hay field on her way to school. It was wet that morning and she was notorious for driving pretty fast. She showed up late to school covered in mud and wet. Every one was like why are you here, are you OK, can we get you clothes... Her dad made her help him fix the fence in the rain then sent her to school. 🤣
Very rare today . I'd like to meet those folks ! We had someone run off the road and take out about 50 ft of fence . Then instead of going through the gate they drove through the fence leading to the gate to get out ! Neighbor said they heard it and saw a dark colored car but never heard anything else from it . Don't know what they were on but they must of been high , high , high .
I had a dude drive through mine, plowed down a mesquite tree then drove back out the same hole. He left plastic parts everywhere but drove off. Problem was his license plate also came off. The sheriff loved that. A week or so later his insurance company called to get me three estimates to fix the fence. I told them I had already fixed it and they owe me time and materials. He was expecting $200. I ask for $800. We settled on $500 plus tree replacement. That was another $300. That was the only mesquite tree I ever loved.
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If anyone drives off the road and through my fence they will still be there. I will be call the ambulance or the undertaker. This one didn't make it to the the fence. If he had he would have been in a 10x6 irrigation ditch. Probably on the driver's side maybe on its top.

It's a good thing I decided to take a walk up the road. About a week before that the county road mowers trimming the grass and bushes had been through and had whacked my apple tree pretty good but people have to be able to see I guess. So a week or ten days later I took a walk along the road and found where the fence, part mesh, part barb wire with T posts and wooden posts, taken out about 50 feet and twirled the wire up like a slinky. All that time our horses and cattle could have gotten out on the road. Plenty PO'd, I called the county and a supervisor came out and proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that a vehicle did it. Found the skid marks. Found some little pieces of chrome and some guys size 12 tennis shoe. So the county wasn't going to pay for it. We dragged cattle panels over there and drove a dozen T posts. I put an ad in the paper. - Found - Size12 red and white tennis shoe, left foot, on Power's Highway. Call this number to claim.
I probably told about this here before, but if so it was a long time ago. Some years ago I had a rent pasture that joined a fairly busy state road and a county road. The gate was on the county road. One afternoon I was leaving my part time job and about to head home, but it felt like something was telling me to go check on that pasture. I had just been there a day or so before, so there was no real reason to go, but I did anyway.

I drove up in front of the gate, and I could see the cattle grazing on the opposite side of the pasture, near the state road. Everything looked okay, so I was about to back out and go home, but again, I felt like I should check them closer, so I opened the gate and drove over to them. Someone had driven through the fence and left again. If I hadn't checked them when I did there's no telling what could have happened, since the cows were there close to the hole.

I'm not one who see divine intervention in daily occurrences, but I don't have any other explanation for what happened, and nothing else like that happened to me before or since.
Neighbor called yesterday abut mid morning asking if I knew someone had run through the fence. Of course I had not been out that way and did not know but no cows were in that pasture so I said I'd wait for better weather to fix it. This morning at church he asked if I knew who ran through it. Again I do not know. Anyway, he said a couple people were out their when he came to church. Sure enough, after church I went and looked and it is fixed.

Whoever ran through it has earned my respect.
I may have to relate a story about runnin thru a fence in your neck of the woods...about 1982. Crown Royal was involved.
I may have to relate a story about runnin thru a fence in your neck of the woods...about 1982. Crown Royal was involved.
Lol…I was away off on my own around that time. Maybe an uncle had to deal with it. Dad's stretch of Highway fence was well protected by trees that grew up on the Highway right of way.
That's good. In 46 of years of living here only one person has fixed the fence back out of many many run throughs. About 1/3 of them have insurance, The rest either don't have insurance or we never even know who it was.
Have had them run through the fence and then tear up a gate to get out of the field.
I've only had one that was caught. Highway patrol gave me the insurance information but the insurance wasn't any good. Trees caught two before they made it to the fence.
I'd have to have traffic on my road for someone to go through my fence 🤣

Oddly enough my place with the state highway going thru the middle has never had anyone run thru the fence. My farm on a little dead end road is the one people (teenagers) screw around on and end up thru the ditch and fence. Ha
The S curve that borders on our place on OR state highway 242 has had 3 known wrecks since 2023. Drunk drivers caused at least one of them. Today I discovered more skid mark of a pickup sized truck that took out a state highway sign but fortunately didn't take out any livestock fences this time.

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