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I was watching the program, "American Rancher" that I had taped on the DVR this morning and it was about trich.

With all the concerns generated recently on the board about trich and required testing in some states, and vet offices increasing their fees because its a required test ( I just hope that extra money is a curse to them for taking advantage of the situation because its wrong).

Anyway, please google "MSM and trich" ............... don't be fooled into thinking there is no cure for trich... the pharmaceutical companies can't patent MSM so they want you to think you have to destroy your bull or sell him for burger..... that is not necessary.

MSM ( do not confuse it with MMS for they are not the same) has proven in studies to cure trich and giardia and is being used with good results for arthritis in people. You can find MSM at the farm supply and is given to race horses. It's about 10 dollars for a one lb container.
I guess if you want to call it a conspiracy you can. Perhaps if you researched who (and I mean the actual persons, not their corporate names) owns the pharmaceutical and what other major corporations do they own and then ask yourself if they have your best interest in mind?

Total dollars spent on prescription drugs in the US alone (and I'm assuming this is for humans and doesn't include animals) is $300 billion for 2009 ( the other day I posted BP had a revenue of $240 billion per year and I think that should be questioned because its probably double that)) here's the link for the $ spent: ... mt=default (its the first article)

Now, lets see a $300 billion dollar yearly industry...... do you think they want to tell you that there are "unpatentable" cures out there???? How many doctors do you know prescribing boron instead of viagra? or prescribing olive leaf extract, oil of oregano or grapefruit seed extract instead of antibiotics? A study was done several years ago giving one set of kids vitamin B6 and the other set of kids Ritalin..... the results were the same .... do you ever hear of that study???

In case you weren't able to search MSM here's a couple links that I found interesting: ... ground.htm

IS it any wonder that physicians, nutrionists, homeopathic practitioners are persecuted if they promote natural cures? Also, a physician goes to school 8 years and is only required to take how many hours of nutrition???? I've heard that is only 3 .... 3 hours of nutrition is not adequate.
Its in the American Cancer Society's charter that they must disband if a cure is ever found??? It's not profitable to find one.

I am NOT against the pharmaceutical companies but when people start fear mongering and saying you have to destroy your animal or there's no hope or nothing can be done (be sure you throw that fear factor in there again and again because that's the only way the devil can operate) then I start looking at alternative medicine.

I'll say it again, IF I had a bull that was valuable then I would look into MSM before I destroyed him or sold him as hamburger if he tested positive for trich.
It also makes me wonder what axe the company touting the natural stuff has to grind. But I suppose they're in it strictly to benefit the human race and not make as much money as possible.
Mogal...think waht you want..if your hubby had a STD would you assist him in spreading the disease?? The pharmaceutical co. sponsoring the show you watched also advertised a vaccine for Trich...did you notice that ?? Are your cattle too good to use it on?? Herbal doctors (I know a couple) that I have dealt with couldn't win on "Are you smarter than a 5th grader". Kooks reading a few books put out by other self proclaimed faith healers / witch doctors.
I recently had two bulls tested for tric on request of bull buyer how it is done here is a solution is flushed in the sheath of the bull and the flush is collected in a container and sent to lab to be tested all my bulls came back negitive . The virus that causes tric is contained in the folds and creases of the sheath and penis younger bulls are much smoother and the virus is usually expelled with the urine usually only bulls older than 4 yrs are infected.