Steering wheel knobs?

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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2008
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South Dakota plains
Does anyone remember what those were called, exactly? The knobs you used to put on your steering wheel so you could steer with one hand while your arm was around your girlfriend? I guess they went away when bucket seats became a thing, but I was wondering if they might still be available somewhere.

My husband seems to have injured his rotator cuff (OK, he tore it, but he doesn't want surgery), so he can't much use his left arm, and the riding mower doesn't have power steering on it, so it's very painful for him to use it. He was saying yesterday that he wished he had one of those knobs he could mount on the steering wheel, so he could do all the steering with his right hand and arm and not abuse the other one. Although I remember seeing them back in the day, I never had one, so I don't know what they're called, and he can't remember. I was hoping somebody here might. Anyone?
Thank you. I had ASSUMED my husband had already searched that term. Geez-louise... he probably didn't search at all. I'm the information junkie in the house. I will have to learn to question him further before I start looking for help. Sorry. I'll go do a search now and save him a couple of links to look at.
You're right, there are TONS of them! I'm just gonna tell him to search himself. He knows what he wants. I am soooooo sorry I asked such an unnecessary question. :(
Thank you. I had ASSUMED my husband had already searched that term. Geez-louise... he probably didn't search at all. I'm the information junkie in the house. I will have to learn to question him further before I start looking for help. Sorry. I'll go do a search now and save him a couple of links to look at.
They do that to us wives. I remember an episode of Roseanne many years ago where she was moaning something to the effect of, 'What? Is the uterus a homing device or something??'
Just so you know... back in the day they were called "suicide knobs".
Suicide knobs
Thumb breakers
Neckers knob

Designed for tractors without power steering.
Most places have em, like atwoods, tractor supply, etc

Edited to add...
Steering wheel "spinners"
Kinda fits with the whole "necker knob" thing. 🤣 🤣 🤣
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Just so you know... back in the day they were called "suicide knobs".

So he WAS right about something! He said he thought they were called suicide knobs, but I'd never heard the term (and I'M the "car person" in our house). Go figure. Anyway, I told him earlier what you guys said and told him to look up his OWN steering wheel knob, and he laughed. I told him it was a good thing I didn't mind being teased or acting like a fool, with a lazy husband like him. And he laughed again. I think I was set up. :unsure:
I've called them spinners. That'll teach him for canoodling with his girlfriend/wife while driving the tractor, he may not have torn his rotator.

tractor supply has them..I use mine the most hay'ing...heard that they're again the law on autos
Knuckle busters... They're great for mowing an irregular shaped pasture for sure.. where you have to make a lot of turns. Had one on the old 3600 and it was a vast improvement over the worn out steel showing thru the cushion steering wheel, and it had good power steering too..
You're right, there are TONS of them! I'm just gonna tell him to search himself. He knows what he wants. I am soooooo sorry I asked such an unnecessary question. :(
Sorry for asking an unnecessary question?? Have you read these forums??? 🤪🤪 I'm kidding of course. Good luck and hope the arm gets better soon.
My husband seems to have injured his rotator cuff (OK, he tore it, but he doesn't want surgery)
My shoulders are fine and never gave it much thought. But in the last decade I have come to realize literally dozens of people, both male and female, who I know have had rotator cuff surgery. Seems it's not an uncommon problem as we age.
Every forklift has one, nearlycimpossible to drive without. Any forklift repair shops would have good quality ones.

Interesting article on new treatment for rotorcuff repair. Johnson and johnson sponsored this study i believe.

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