spooky pony

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kelowna bc canada
help with a spooky pony
Today at 12:30:47 I had purchased a pony in Aug for my 8 yr old daughter who had been riding for a yr with trainers and a leased horse prior to the purchase. We went tried out the pony twice and the person selling owned the barn and level 1 coach so we we comfortable taking her advice as been upfront and proffessional. The pony at her facility was totally docile and overly calm and so we felt ok about any spooky behaviour and did ask and told never was a problem and that her students were fine with the pony We did not get a vet check as I guess we can call ourselves rookies and would not do that again live and learn. Anyway the pony arrives and we did pay a large sum of money 9700 for her we are boarding at a good facility and a level 1 coach helping us with the pony We felt that week was a period of adjustment time although by Thurday of that week I was concerned as the behaviour of the pony was like 90 degree difference she was spooky jumping at every sound and very skiddish My daughter rode her that Friday only to be thrown in the air real quick she tried again the pony was so spooky the trainer stopped everything did some lead line work next day and follow training trying to get the pony to even walk through the gate that is large and very open this behaviour continued for another week we called a vet and massage therapist had accupuncture done ect to be assured not a medical problem changed bit and tried various saddles ect nothing cahnged the behaviour contacted the original owner to be told that we had to have done something to this pony I had other trainers one being a level 2 trainer as well as one other as well trainer who worked on an olympic team all telling me she was far to dangerous to have a child ride her I hired an 15 yr old girl to exercice her and a very good rider who she took several fall off the pony due to spooky behaviour. My question I guess as this is the first pony we have ever owned and kind of rookies is it possible a pony could change behaviours so drasticly and if so does anyone have any ideas to help with spooky behaviours we have her with a trainer now and I in no way want to sell her I feel she is not safe and do not want anyone to get her at the cost of just my getting rid of her The problem exsists and I would feel morally obligated to disclose that the pony is welsh /arabian owner could not really confirm that but she has features physical of an arabian very pretty she has a sweet temperment but don't ride her on the ground awsome but no lead changes ect nothing although told differently by the owner
We have tried doing lots of work putting obstacles and sound at her and putting her in dir=ffirent situations so she could try to get accustome to various noises and not be scare I read in a book it was a good thing to do may or may not be even so it is not working Now after 4 months have paseed and no change at all even the trainer is getting frustrated The pony is 5 yrs old we were told but no conformation if correct vet feel that is close The owner has sort of walked away from providing any advce so not an option their.
So any ideas and help regarding how to deal with this behaviour and if It possible and what is anyones thoughts why a pony can all of a sudden change I am just baffled and not sure what to do anymore and a very disheartened child not a good experience So any thought or ideas I am open to trying and ideas would be greatly apprecaited
Thanks for reading such a long messge
you paid ten thousand dollars for this animal?

that was an expensive lesson.

I have no real advice, sorry. Sounds like you have had all the professionals do their thing. Vision? Spooking can happen with vision problems. And the only other thing would be the wrong kind of feed or too much. High strung horse does not need loads of high energy feed like grain, but this sounds like a misfit that was doped when you bought her.
When you say pony, are you talking about a Shetland? If so, nothing else needs to be said, by me anyway.
Thanks You for the responses but so I am a rookie I wanted to buy a safe well trained pony ha so much for that I was trying to be so so careful we saved like crazy everyone said spend good money get something she could compete with and less chance of problems I have had nothing but !!!!!!!!!! it backfired and have gotten no help from prior owner just ie you must have done something to the pony not likely
in 10 dys can it change I just kept tinking maybe I was wrong and she was right but we were so careful the pony is half welsh and arabian 14.2 hh she said it had lots of show millage ect and would send the records to us later to date nothing after several requests I got an e-mail her telling is we bought the pony she is no longer the owner and that maybe I should just sell her 2 dys later I get someone she ref to me offering 1500 I guess my blood pressure went up 100 degrees Kind of worries me that someone else buys from her and a child get hurt really keeps nagging at me I had enough sense to see jasmin was a problem the first week and went back to putting my child on a lesson pony and let an older child rider her although still problems what if I keep thinking sme other rookie parent like me does not have that sense and a child gets hurt from what she sell but who knows hard to prove and I may even be wrong just really horrid and a real unhappy child that now I need to find a pony for that is safe with out the big price ticket yuk anyway thanks for the info I just wanting outside opinions to determine if maybe I was missing something never know
Wish I had better advice, but if I understand this right, Don't let the child get "attached" to the pony. Visit a vet. and a Lawyer. Maybe they can help you & others. Best wishes
I agree a lawyer might be worth consulting. I don't know the laws up there, but that seller needs a little legal trouble, if you ask me.

Or a late night visit from cousin Vinny, for a lesson in ethics.

Document all that you can - keep a little journal and write down what various experts in the horse world are telling you about this animal, including trainers, vets.

Maybe some kind of small claims court (although that isn't what I would call a small amount!) would be amenable to helping settle the matter without the costs of a major legal fight.

Representing a dangerous animal as safe for an eight year old child is something different than claiming that it was simple "broke to ride" or had "training".
A couple of questions.
Are you feeding the same feed and hay (and same amount) as the previous owner?

How is the pony kept? Is it stalled or turned out? How was it kept at the previous place?

I am sorry that you are having such a bad experience. A change of diet can cause problems. Some horses cannot tolerate molasses in sweet feeds. We have a quarter horse mare who is a borderline idiot when she is fed sweet feed. She is fed a pelleted feed and turned out 24/7. It has made a huge difference in her attitude and work ethic. Check her diet. There are herbal supplements that may help. Mare Magic is one. You can buy it at Valley Vet.

Something else, a 5 year old horse is young and she may be going through "the teenage years" in horses.
A 5 year old horse is far from being broke. If I understand the original poster correctly, the pony is being ridden english. There is a strong possibility that she was not started at two. Many english riders start their horses at 3.

It is not uncommon for a horse that is 4 to 5 years old to suddenly realize that work is not fun and start looking for a way out. The pony moved to a a new situation with a beginner rider. Her routine probably changed and things went south.

I am a mother too and have been involved with horses for a very long time. A five year old horse or pony is too young for a beginner rider. Your daughter needs a been there, done that horse which is a packer. A horse that will not get upset if the rider makes mistakes. A well trained broke horse that is at least 10 or 12 years old is usually ideal.

Five is young and many horses especially smart ones get ideas and try stuff.

If you decide to sue the seller, see if you can contact her students and find out if they really did school the pony or not.

FYI for some of the folks here. The price paid is not uncommon for a well trained large pony hunter. A good one is worth it's weight in gold.
get your money back , Now

There are many people who smile and try to take your wallet at the same time.

Get her a real horse , large and quiet , ponies are children of the devil IMO.
The horse may have been bled. Since drugs can be detected, some not so nice people will insert a tube into a vain, and drain a gallon of blood. The animal will be very docile for a few days untill he builds his blood back up, then watch out.
Good luck,
Sister go get your money back, Now. I'll give you a pony your kids can ride any way they want. My kids have out grown her. The neighbors kids have been riding her all summer. Lord help you.
What is most intresting about this pony is she is so so sweet never very lovable I guess I went for the ground temperment and fell in love and still am she is adorable on the ie ground it is the spooky behaviour that is a real killer for me the lack of training I could have lived with and would have sucked that one up but bolting and jumping at every sound is dangerous
we kept the same feed same feeding time nothing but hay good exercise we lunged her had an older student ride her everyday along with a trainer 2 dys a week turned out daily

The original owner only suggested one thing changing her bit and tried that did nothing she hears the slightest of sound and bang she is off like a bolt never did that at the barn we bought her from she was opposite we thought a bit slow really as my daughter is a fairly good rider but felt slow was better then to fast well that changed in a quick flash

Now we need to find her a good horse or pony she has had way way to many falls and scared like you would not believe of this pony so likely even if she changed she will never get on her again We had asked the owner after 2 weeks if she would take her back big mistake we would have even traded fore something else no way her comment was we ruined the pony and the training she did is now all gone and so she was not taking her back Just last week again I asked for the show records and her training scheduel prior to our purchase if I go to sell her I need to provide this she refused and said it made no sense

The pony has some real good qualities she is an awsome jumper you can see she loves it and her start in dressage is showing some progress but no change regarding her spooky behaviour maybe never go away

So back the drawing board of finding something safe real safe no horse or pony i think is ever bombproof but i sure would ike one with a little more reliability in the saddle then this on my daughter spent her summer on a buddies horse and not the one we bought
Get an empty 16oz water bottle, put a few pea gravel in the bottle,and duct tape a string to the bottle and tie on the pony's tail. Also tie a bottle with a few pea gravel in it on both sides of its halter. Put a saddle on the pony, tie bottles with gravel to the stirrups. Anything to make a loud noise. Lunge the pony like this, every day and let him wear the bottle on it's tail and halter, 24/7.This needs to be done for a week or longer. You might get a bridle with blinders, where he can only see in front of him. He might just need an old fashion a$$ whipping. Opinions are like butt holes, every bodys got one
Sounds to me like you got took. If you ask for your money they will most likely say that you did something to harm the animal. At eight years old I had my girls an an older schooling horse.It is sad but true some people will do anything to get your money. Good luck
Get a lawyer and sue this wench , for a few hundred dollars she will get a warning from a lawyer , anyone this disreputable deserves to be held accountable.
kscowboy":3r2klknl said:
Get a lawyer and sue this wench , for a few hundred dollars she will get a warning from a lawyer , anyone this disreputable deserves to be held accountable.
A-Men, brother. I may even donate to the cause. Cause she is a dang crook.
Honey,get a lawyer..I've sold a few horses and took one back
but I never lyed about one-
They did something to that horse to keep her quite,and knowingly sold it to a child.. :devil2: That's evil. :mad:
This women is the most horrid person I have met in year when I first got jasmin after about 7 day or so I sent a nice message telling her that I was concerned about her behavior went through feeding schedules ect make sure I was doing everything ok even sent a picture where she was boarded what I got back was she never did that with me ( End of story basically) 4 weeks later is sent another nice one saying that the trainer had been trying ti contact her and could she please reply nothing again then week later sent the written report from the trainer outline the issues and safety concerns nothing I ask for her show records again nothing sent the vets report showing we are and eliminating everything again nothing a highly respected horse person sends her for me a message saying listen take the pony back swap even maybe for something else or what I got back was we had ruined the pony basicly all our fault I explain to her clearly that selling ponies to children especially should be done with the utmost of care and my fear now is her attitude she will sell one to some poor child who will get hurt my daughter came very very close now her riding is not with the confidence and assurance she use to have and never rode the pony again after the 3 serious falls even a more advanced student took several falls all we ever get back from her is basically to bad then she threatens me if I put her name on any forum or talk about her in a way to or about her business to anyone she feels is slander she will have her lawyer call me my answer was please do because if I say anything it will be factual and the truth and can be backed up by qualified people do all Today I get a message from one of her students basically telling me I am nits the pony is fine except from the writing no way a 13yr old wrote it stupid that no controls in Canada to regulate what people do and no place to go for help to stop her really But today I am going to see what a lawyer says this is not just about me it is about children not getting hurt and people taken to the cleaners

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