Few to no Shorties in this area, but we've been using a number of solid red Shorthorn sires, by AI, over SimAngus and high-% Angus cows... and the results have been far better than we'd anticipated. We were mainly going for half-SH females, and they are working out nicely, but the steers were something of a surprise. Steers have been great - and performed well in feedlot trials for ADG/WDA, REA/cwt, profitability, and most graded low Choice.
I'm convinced that commercial cattlemen with black cow herds are missing the boat by not using the right sort of Shorthorn bulls. Calves by Roans & RWMs would likely get docked pretty heavily at the salebarns here - and I get a significant number of red calves, which sometimes take a hit, but in these commercial herds around here that are for all intents and purposes a purebred Angus herd due to multiple generations of using Angus bulls... most of those calves by a red Shorthorn sire are gonna come out solid black.