She's Huntin Heaven now

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Well-known member
Jul 10, 2007
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My old girl Ginger went to the big CRP in the sky last monday. She turned 14 in May and had been goin downhill pretty hard the last few weeks. Last Monday was the end; she got to go out layin on her bed and in her buddies arms. She had no quit in her and loved all my hunting buddies. Pretty much ignored everyone else, cept for little kids. This picture was taken on her last SD hunt 4 yrs ago. When she was almost 11.
I just hope that wherever she is the Roosters all hold for a point and the cripples don't spur a good dog too hard.

Sorry for your loss 3way. It really hurts to lose a close companion and friend like that. It sounds like she lived a good life.
Sorry about her, I had a 1 in 100,000,000 dog that was my black Lab Bo. He was almost 16 and has been gone for 7 years last month and I still look for him to get in the truck. Just be glad she had you.
I'm sorry 3way, she does look happy, and she couldn't have had a better friend.
I am so very sorry, our deepest condolences . I have no words to ease your sorrow , wish I did .

You are in my thoughts and prayers . :heart:
I want to thank everyone for all your kind thoughts. I almost didn't post this cuz I didn't want ya'll thinking I was looking for a bunch of sympathy however she was very special and she needed to be celebrated so I did.

Ginger is the second dog we had to put down in a month. My wife's little Pom died about 5 weeks ago at the age of 14, and between the two of them it just ain't the same around here. He[[ even the cats are getting fat from not being chased regularly.
I cussed that little sh==t every day of his life but he was 12lbs of pure heart and I guarantee that nobody ever sneaked up on us while he was alive. I would be willing to bet that he was the only Pomerainian that ever bit his owner over a 2lb chunk of bloodshot Elk meat. I believe that he really thought he was a Malmute.
Sorry to hear that, Vic. Hard to lose a good dog, but it always makes me feel a little better knowing they led a happy life doing what they were bred to do.
I think it was Mr. Bojangles where the lyrics lament the fact dogs don't live as long as us. As sad and unfair as it is, this is still fact. Give yourself some time, and then think about another pal, even with all the frustrations while they are learning their role. Just my advice, it took me four years to invest emotionally again, but the new boy has been most smiles, and just a little bit of cuss. Sorry for your loss, it is always difficult.
I'm sorry for your loss, 3way. I agree, sure looks like she was a happy girl. You were good to her and she was good to you. That's what it's all about.

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