Roller coaster

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Well-known member
Dec 28, 2003
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MO Ozarks
Almost 70 last week, mid 30s today, supposed to be in the mid 60s early next week, snow on thursday
dun":11gl92l8 said:
Almost 70 last week, mid 30s today, supposed to be in the mid 60s early next week, snow on thursday

Heading out your way end of week. I hope it don't snow.

The high temps in the next 7 days are supposed to be in the 30,40,50,60 and even 70 wow that is a roller coaster!!!!!!
That dang ground hog. Last week it was looking like spring. It started snowing about 8:00 yesterday morning and still spitting a little snow now. I ran those 5 cows I bought on Saturday through the chute after church and before the super bowl. It felt like I was in Wyoming or something. Snowed hard the whole time I was doing it.
We've had swings of 40 degrees in each day here lately then one day it was 30 to 38 low to high. yesterday, was 24 to 62 with nice sun. today is calling for near 70. PNUEMONIA weather for sure. Supposed to get back to "normal" by the end of the week or weekend...25-50 +/-. It will probably be snowing in March when we start calving... :bang: :bang:
Got a laugh out of our local weather lady. Her forecast:"Either it's gonna rain or it isn't" :lol:

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