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What denomination/ religion are you?

  • Roman Catholic

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lutheran

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Presbyterian (sp?)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Covenant

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Baptist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Non church going christian

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Non religious

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Muslim

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
North Central Kansas
With the Pope dying I thought I'd ask to see how many of us our of different denominations and what not.... I'm sure I'll forget some and I'll apologize in advance
very interesting post!! also, very brave and upfront of you to ask! ;-) most folks in our parts do not discuss religion until something BIG happens, like the Pope!!

i was raised LDS, but have not attended church since i was 13...too many questions about our "beliefs" and noone willing to answer them...just told "it is just the way it is and you just must accept it! :?

the hubby was raised baptist...neither of us are church-goers...not sure if that is a good thing in today's world...yes, we have our beliefs and our faith and yes, we pray at dinner time....our kids (especially the 9 year old) are beginning to have alot of questions about God, Jesus, etc that we do not have the answers for...guess i better get looking ;-) ;-)
Well I can certainly tell you are not from the South as you left off several denomanation''s.

Christian (Church of Christ)
I was raised Baptist, husband Catholic. We don't attend a church now, but should be looking for one to attend.
I'm with Campground & Muldoon, I attend the church of Christ. Somethimes known as the Book, Chapter & Verse group of christians.

I had methodist, christian, and a few others on but the poll wouldn't let me have anymore than this....
Mom was born into Methodist, but sent to Catholic convents for school til graduated. She became Presbetyrian, where us kids were baptised and confirmed and attended services every Sunday. Dad was born into Christian Scientists and "converted" to Presbetyrian. Husband raised Catholic, but stopped attending services as a teen. He is a "believer" but considers himself "non-denominational".

Born Methodist. Baptist now. Might die something else but will be a Christian come what may. That's what counts. I didn't agree with the pope on everything but had a great deal of respect for him and what he did, especially re communism. It's a shame he dropped the ball on the child abuse. No denominations in heaven. The main thing is that any true believer in Jesus Christ is a brother/sister to any other true believer.

i voted non church going christian. my parents and daughter attend a local Baptist Church. there's about 4 of them in town. we have a First Baptist (family's), Bible Baptist, Grace Baptist, and Southern Baptist. I think that's all the Baptist one's.
This kind of question usually just asks for trouble. LOL More wars and arguments over religion than there is over pretty girls or land. Best way to mess up a good friendship is talk about religion. Dont expect I'll ever have that problem around these cattle boards. LOL So I dont guess it,ll hurt me to say it...I'm a Christian but i dont believe Ive got to sit in a fancy building on a certain day of the week to prove it. Try to prove it ever day in the way you live your folks without being asked and dont kick a man when hes dont have to be part of any organized group and sit and suffer for an hour listening to a preacher you dont like
TW - Again, I agree with you! Although my other half doesn't. I was raised non-denominational, he was raised Lutheran. So I joined the Lutheran church when we married and we go there pretty much every Sunday.
I had one of those 'Drug' problems when I was younger as in I was 'drug' to the local United Church every Sunday morning until I was about 14.
I only go very occasionally these days. I do like some of the pastors on TV, though. I usually catch Mark Hughes from Church of the Rock on Sundays and I really like Joyce Meyer as well. She's on about 5 AM and I'll quite often watch her when I can't sleep at night.

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