Question for the Simmental folks

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Well-known member
Sep 11, 2004
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south carolina
Can any of you give me the names of some Simmental bulls (red or black) known for calving ease? I am not planning to A.I. but would be looking to purchase bulls that are sons of bulls known for calving ease, thanks.
If calving ease is the criteria, here are some purebred simmentals with high accuracy calving ease:

Hooks Beacon 56B
Hooks Yellowstone 97Y
Koch Big Timber 685D
WLE Uno Mas X549
IR Imperial D948
WS All Aboard B80
Also would be a good idea to research the site and dam's EPD's once you get a sale catalog.
The ASA gives you the ability to look at the birthweight of progeny.
Thanks for the replies, I like the looks of the shell shocked 44b bull, I saw a YouTube video of him but it is 4 years old.
We used a solid red SM bull, WS All In W111 (at CattleVisions) on a group of SHxAN heifers several years back. Came small and easy, but grew like gangbusters!
Who are the top 5 or 10 Simmental breeders in the US? (like the SAV or GAR of the Angus breed)
Who are the top 5 or 10 Simmental breeders in the US? (like the SAV or GAR of the Angus breed)
"Top" means different things to different people. Here are 3 that are pretty successful and have been around a while:
Werning Cattle Company in South Dakota
Triangle J Ranch in Nebraska
Hook Farms in Minnesota

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