:( Poor Baby

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Well-known member
Oct 23, 2010
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NorthEast Texas
Well Baby, my favorite and first brahman heifer had a heifer last Monday.
Thursday I got a call from my cousin saying he had not seen the calf in 2 days. He looked everywhere and no calf. I went this past weekend and nothing. :(

I guess something got the calf. Baby was a little down this weekend. She followed me through the pasture while I looked for the calf. She somewhat leaned up against me when I would stop and I would just rub her.

I have lost a few calves in the past, but this one hurts the most.
Braford, sorry to hear about your loss... experienced the same thing myself last month. I know they say it's all part of the game we play, but that doesn't make it any easier.

Its so hard! We lost one during the night. She guarded it all day till my husband could come home from work to bury it. So sad, she wanted to come up and get water and hay. She would walk a little and then turn around and call it, no response, head right back. Husband went out and got the dead calf and put it in the hole and of course all the cows have to come and look. She followed the tractor, looked at it in the hole and watched it being covered up. And of course she is still looking for her baby right now. . Going to take a few days. I feel your pain, Brafordman! Especially hard to watch one your close to go through this. So sorry!!
Not sure how big/brushy the pasture is, but make sure she doesn`t just have it hidden. Is her bag tight? S she bawling for the calf? I once had a cow calf in a brushy pasture and didn`t know she had twins for 2 weeks.
skeeter swatter":lwt3qf2i said:
Not sure how big/brushy the pasture is, but make sure she doesn`t just have it hidden. Is her bag tight? S she bawling for the calf? I once had a cow calf in a brushy pasture and didn`t know she had twins for 2 weeks.

She is not bawling. I think sometimes cows know when there babies are gone for good. HEr bag was not tight when I was there but it wasn't tight when she calved.She is in a small pasture there are trees in the back of the pasture. But not once while I was there did she leave the group. I was out side the whole day. I looked and I looked good. The neighboring pastures are pretty open. And where there is a brush in the other pastures thats a very long way to walk I am for certain calf is not hidden.

It has been two weeks and my cousin has not mentioned any sign of the calf.
The calf probably is gone, but there is still a small possibility that she is tending the calf at night when you are not looking, and has it stashed somewhere.
I would take a second look at her udder, is one or two sections smaller than the others like it has been emptied out, and no calves that you have seen are sucking on her??
A neighbor had a cow get flipped upside down and die, and the owner didn't think she had calved out. Well a month later he was counting calves and discovered he had an "extra" that had been bumming to survive, and this was in deep snow and cold. It does happen...
Sorry for the loss.
Had one last month that was a monster, cow wasn't even big!!
She adopted a young motherless heifer calf, taking to it really well fortunately.
It hurts to see them lose one, some really mourn for their little one. Last spring mine lost hers, she wasn't right until she was bred again, it was hard to see her brokenness.
They definitely have a certain degree of intelligence and emotion.