Photo Contests

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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2009
Reaction score
South Africa
We have had a lot of fun with the Contests over the past 8 odd years and shared many beautiful photographs.

It is thus with regret that I inform you all that I'm unable to continue with the Contests. It would be really great though if there was somebody who could take over from where I leave off.

If there is anyone that would like to run the contests please PM me.
Thankyou for the work you have put into it Alison. It has been a big effort. It has given us a bit of an insight into members lives her as well as being a contest. I hope someone can continue with it. Unfortunately my computer skills and organisational ability are not up to scratch to take it on. I hope this doesn't mean that you are moving on from the forum?

I have enjoyed looking at the pictures. I am not computer savvy enough to even know how to upload a picture. Plus, I am still using an OLD ANCIENT flip phone and don't even have a digital camera. I hope someone with more talent than me will try to take it on.
Thank you for the past work Alison.
Hopefully someone takes over, i am surprised you lasted this long and did such a good job. Every forum I've been on there is huge fanfare about a photo contest and six months later it has disappeared. I know I don't have the skill set for it.
Thanks for the nice words...I'll still be around :D . I'm just trying to focus on a small new venture which I started during Lockdown, it's doing quite well and if I put in the effort now it could be good for me for the future.

Haven't received any PM's yet :(
That's 4 of 4 and 100% of voters in favor of Chevy taking this over. I guess someone needs to contact her and let her know what she got voted in for. :D
❤ Awe... thats so sweet ya'll!!! ☺ Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
I'm not 💯% sure I would be the best candidate. It just took me 10 years to figure out how to change my tiny little profile picture. 🤣 If nobody else volunteers I will definitely give it a try. 🙌🏽😁😍
Chevy said:
❤ Awe... thats so sweet ya'll!!! ☺ Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
I'm not 💯% sure I would be the best candidate. It just took me 10 years to figure out how to change my tiny little profile picture. 🤣 If nobody else volunteers I will definitely give it a try. 🙌🏽😁😍

You are elected by acclamation! Alisionb, I hope you are not leaving Cattle Today.
alisonb said:
Thanks for the nice words...I'll still be around :D . I'm just trying to focus on a small new venture which I started during Lockdown, it's doing quite well and if I put in the effort now it could be good for me for the future.

Haven't received any PM's yet :(
I have sent a few PM it seems my messaging is acting a little bankers. It shows the messages were sent, later when I look they have disappeared. 🤷🏽‍♀️ Not sure if you are receiving them or the aliens 👽? Excuse me if you have received them and haven't had time to respond. Just weird the messages aren't showing in the sent folder.
Basically just said if nobody else volunteers 🙋🏽‍♀️ I will give the photo contest a try before letting it go and nobody doing the job. I won't be as good as you ever was. I would need some help with the rules and all. Hope it's not to complicated cause I don't follow them anyways. 😉😅🤨😝😎 Hey at least I'm honest!😁😂🤩😜

That is great news!!. I have responded to your PM, so we will get the show on the road soon :D

ssttery - I'll still be around ;-)

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