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Jan 22, 2008
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Just curious of how many out there are pharmacists, and how well it works being a pharmacist and rancher. I am currently in Pharmacy school right now. Thanks
Pharmer. My daughter and son in law are both pharmacist. They love it. My daughter doesn't really like the retail side of it so she works in the pharmacy at a large hospital. Son in law works in a small town pharmacy (only one in the whole county) and that's right down his alley. Salary for each is right at 6 figures. "They say" that pharmacy school is hard and they are constantly reading and studying to stay up with the new meds. etc. But both love it and have adequate tiem for their other interests. They don't run cattle but son in law does spend a lot of time hunting everything in the world. :lol: Best of luck in school.
Thanks for the well wishes. Let me tell you that they weren't lying about it being hard. But whenever I graduate I hope to be able to have a lot more options with purchasing land and such.'ll definitely have the income to qualify for an money you need to borrow to buy land. Where at you attending pharmacy school?

BTW...iodine is hard to find. The druggies that cook methamphetamine often use it in their recipe. What you can get is so diluted it doesn't do much good.
Thanks to all that responded to me. I thought there would be more out there though
Its a lot harder to count cattle in the field than it is to count pills on a counter. Same goes for making money. :lol2: Sorry, I couldn't help myself. I have a good friend who is a pharmacist and we regularly cut up with each other about this - I gave him a calculator for Christmas alledgely to keep him from taking his shoes off. :lol2: I won't say what he says about my breeding technique which he says involves a stump. :oops: Anyhow, to your question. He has cattle and horses and is able to do a lot of things that he wants to do that he otherwise could not do if he wasn't a pharmacist. He has sweet hours as he is not greedy and does not try to lose himself in his work. He makes a comfortable living and makes plenty of time for the things he likes to do - cattle, horses, fishing, hunting and is a very good consultant when it comes to the art of ethanol production. :nod: Good luck with your courses. You should be able to do about as you like when you get out.