Pbo8/Methylated crop oil

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I'll bite.
I know apples/oranges, but I am totally unfamiliar with either of the other two. Care to enlighten?
I use PBO8 as a carrier for my homemade pour on fly sprays. PBO8 is also used in Ultra Boss and Ultra Saber as a carrier. You can copy the Boss and Sabre ingredients and mix it yourself for a 1/3 of what it cost at Jeffers.
Lucky, Pbo8 is Piperonyl Butoxide. It's a synergist for pyrethrins or synthetic pyrethroids. Methylated crop (seed) oil is a synergist for crop chemicals used to enhance the effectiveness of the chemical against targeted weeds. I am asking about the use of methylated crop oil as a substitute for the Pbo8 due to availability and cost. Pbo8 is approximately $25 a pint. Methylated crop oil is $25 for 2.5 gallons and is vegetable based. Methylated crop oil is applied at the rate of 1 pint to the acre so the usage between it and Pbo8 may not be much different.

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