NHL Deadline trades comments

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Jan 4, 2007
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Any comments on NHL trades at trade deadline.
Sid the kid and Malkin of Pitt. Pens just grew 6 inches and gained 100lbs with the addition fo George Laroque If you haven't seen much of him in the east i will give a preview 6'6" 260lbs maybe the best tough guy in the NHL right now. This big guy when with the Edmonton Oilers was feared. Watch the Pens go on a tear Sid and Malkin have just been issued a get out of jail free card. I am just waiting to see who is stupid enough to try to give one of these guys a cheap shot now. If some idiot tries they will pay with teeth and humiliation. Big George will get these guys more room than they will ever need. The pens also got Gary Roberts a proven playoff guy . Watch out eastern conference here comes the Pens. I think we will see them in the cup final.
I was suprised to see how little first round draft picks were valued compared to other sports.
The jump to the NHL is tough and a first round pick may not play for years but every year there are those exceptional players that were so good they can make the jump seemlessly. I think this is why they first round pick is less valuable. That first overall is a whole different thing. The first overalls in other sports rarely pan out but the opposite in hockey. Gaboriuk, Malkin, Crosby, Ovechkin, Dipetro,Forsberg, Sundin, Lacalvalier, Thorton,Sakic all top picks seem to be panning out.
As for the rangenerd you are missing the most difficult sport to play in the world and well as the fastest sport in the world i know sometimes it is really fast but that is what makes it good to watch. Some of the popular sports in the US make me yawn. I don't want to offend but how can you guys watch that oval track racing. If it weren't for the crashes i could fall asleep.
I don't watch the NHL much because of all the fighting. Yeah, I know it's a rough sport, but the league lets things get out of hand. If that draws in more fans I can understand it, but it's not for me. That being said, I like the sport itself. It's fast-paced, they usually play both offense and defense well, and it takes more skill to play than I could ever imagine. I always enjoy watching Olympic hockey, and I'll even tune in a college match once in awhile.
skcatlman":13qhr4e2 said:
The jump to the NHL is tough and a first round pick may not play for years but every year there are those exceptional players that were so good they can make the jump seemlessly. I think this is why they first round pick is less valuable. That first overall is a whole different thing. The first overalls in other sports rarely pan out but the opposite in hockey. Gaboriuk, Malkin, Crosby, Ovechkin, Dipetro,Forsberg, Sundin, Lacalvalier, Thorton,Sakic all top picks seem to be panning out.
As for the rangenerd you are missing the most difficult sport to play in the world and well as the fastest sport in the world i know sometimes it is really fast but that is what makes it good to watch. Some of the popular sports in the US make me yawn. I don't want to offend but how can you guys watch that oval track racing. If it weren't for the crashes i could fall asleep.
Racing in cars is not a sport. Why is speed of the game so important? I prefer baseball, spring training games have already started and I have watched two.
This is my personal opinion but i think action is what keeps most people entertained . Personally i like the action, if i want to watch strategy i will watch a game based more on that than skill something like Chess. I have grown up watching and playing hockey and football, so those are the sports that i prefer to follow i enjoy the physical demands and skills required to play the game at the highest levels. If i have a knock against pro sports in north america it is that the TV deals are ruining the games too much advertizing and analyzing I know what is going on i don't need some ex pro telling me how the game is played. As far as the fighting in hockey it is needed to keep things on the Up and UP . I have seen SID CROSBY recieving cheap shots and physically intimidated that will end now the threat of the new tough guy on the team will do that. If you look at statistics the are more brawls in a major league baseball season than in a NHL season. And you still watch baseball, why is that?
Folks have tried and tried to establish hockey in my region.
It's a good game, it just doesn't sell around here. Nobody played it as a kid. Pretty rare to have a natural rink (outdoor ice) around here and the schools can't afford icemakers. (Heck, the schools can't afford science teachers)
Basketball sells here. We pay big time for that. Eat it and breathe it like you eat and breathe hockey.
I went to a hockey game once. I still haven't figured out the danged "blue line" thing.
NASCAR is pretty close to pro wrasslin', but the drivers are most definitely athletes. Power steering would sap too much horsepower. Those things are big dumb cars and it can't be easy.
Open wheeled cars are better, because they don't have the option of crashing for entertainment. IMO And they are at least fuel injected and multi valved.

I think it was Jerry Buss (owner of the LA Lakers) who looked at census info showing there were 600,000 Canadians living in LA. He immediately invested in the LA Kings hockey team. Later, when they were losing millions, he said something like "all those Canadians are living in LA because THEY HATE HOCKEY".

Hockey really is a man's sport. VERY skilled athletes. I hope they can at least stay ahead of soccer in the market.

Just what ever you grew up with i guess. Basket ball not a really big thing up here. I think weather is part of it but also social economic condition all the equipment for hockey is pretty expensive but shoes and a bball is pretty cheap. the reason for a for the low returns in LA not only lack of interest but also teams in San Jose, Anaheim the market is over saturated with prosports as well LA is a bad team always in a rebuilding mode. Actually soccer the worlds most popular sport. In canada it is hockey , In the US it is Baseball, In england it is soccer, in pakistan it is crickett every country has a favorite.
skcatlman":1cgmr0v4 said:
Just what ever you grew up with i guess. Basket ball not a really big thing up here. I think weather is part of it but also social economic condition all the equipment for hockey is pretty expensive but shoes and a bball is pretty cheap. the reason for a for the low returns in LA not only lack of interest but also teams in San Jose, Anaheim the market is over saturated with prosports as well LA is a bad team always in a rebuilding mode. Actually soccer the worlds most popular sport. In canada it is hockey , In the US it is Baseball, In england it is soccer, in pakistan it is crickett every country has a favorite.
Football is most poular in the us now a days. I think basketball has also passed baseball.
I was refering to your what is believed to be your national past time . It amazes me that nobody in the US seems to follow hockey yet there is so much emphasis put on the US market for hockey. I guess after Salt lake it kinda took a nose dive.
Hockey is really a regional thing in the US. In Minnesota it is huge, today is the start of the state high school tournament. The big class will sellout every day, it is by far the biggest h.s. tournament in MN. It is also big in Michigan and Mass.

Hockey is different in MN than other areas in that it is really community based with kids dreaming of playing for the high school team in packed arenas. Other areas there are alot of AAA teams that draw kids from all over, the hockey is pretty good, but the teams play before crowds of 50. The kids that get to see a high school game here are jealous that their state isn't like this.

And the quality of MN h.s. hockey is great. Last year I think MN produced 3 or 4 1st round draft picks in the NHL including the #1 overall.
I wasn't surprized to see Johnson go 1st over all last year to St. louis. Personally i think they missed the boat when they could have taken Stall. But i understand that whole Draft a US born player thing, good marketing and he is a really good D-man.l Just see how Stall is teating it up and go wow this kid is 18. We do see alot of kids from MN playing major junior up here. I have seen Phil Kessel play as well but he has missed alot of time with his illness. And maybe he is better than what i saw. He isn't really big but tries to play that way i wonder how long he will last before he figures it out. The games i have seen him he took some big hits i think he is going to have to figure out he is now in the NHL.
Yea, I agree about Kessel, he is very good with the puck and sees the ice well, but he really shouldn't try to play the physical game.

I have watched Johnson a lot this year at the U and although he is very good, I kind of expected him to do a little more offensively. The player that I really enjoy watching is Okposo, he is really gifted offensively and can play physical also. He has a very good career ahead of him, I can't remember who drafted him though.

I'm not really up on the Junior leagues across the border. Most players here shoot for a D1 scholarship, and if they don't get one out of h.s., they will try the USHL. But the Gophers have had a couple players from the Canadian Jr. leagues the last few years, I think the first 2 ever, but neither one really panned out. North Dakota seems to have better luck recruiting up in Canada.
Up here things are differnt since the Major Junior leagues came up with their scholarship programs. As you are aware we have a little different feeder system. Midget AAA to MJHL to Pro. While some AAA kids go after the US schools, the majority go to MJHL's as that seems to be the fast track to the NHL. How old is Johnson? Canadians eligible for colleges in the US can't play major junior but junior A which is a step below major junior. Some players skip playing major junior to play in the US college system but they are minority. I saw last year some teams drafted out of high school in the US . I don't know how good they are but it seems like a huge gamble. There aren't many who can make the jump at that age. By the way what is you favorite NHL team? who do you think will be the final teams to battle for Lord Stanley's mug? What trades do you think will make the biggest impact on the playoffs?
For every year in the Dub you get a years tuition and books in a Canadian University-I'd put U'S college hockey talent wise between Junior A and WHL up here. We've had several kids make the NHL from our little town of 4500 make the NHL the last 10-15 years-most went the AAA-WHL-NHL route. One guy however did get drafted from Junior A and got 40-50 games up in the show. The WHL prepares players for the grind of the NHL alot better than college hockey does-there's some great college players but overall Major Junior is a far tougher league to play in.
That is what i was saying about the major junior hockey scholarships. i completely agree the WHL really does prepare a kid for the NHL. Not only in the toughnss but the travel. It doens't matter what league it is a huge jump to the NHL and those that make the jump seemlessly are really talented players. A prime example in my mind Dion Phaneuf in calgary.He plays like a an old pro.
I'm not positive, but I'm guessing Johnson is 19.

We do have AAA midgets here also, last I heard Shattuck was the #1 rated team in the country and earlier this year they were beaten by a MN high school team (they only play 2 games a year against h.s. teams). Crosby played at Shattuck a couple years ago; it's an excellent program but it takes some serious $ to go there.

There are more and more players being drafted out of the US college system, I think the talent is very close if not equal to the WHL. The Gophers for instance have at least 15 players that have been drafted by NHL teams on their roster. I don't know how that compares to WHL teams. The WHL is a much harder grind than college though, but college give players a lot more practice and is also a good place to develop.

I don't follow the NHL close enough to have any input on trades. I will watch the Wild when they are on TV and went to 1 game this year, so I guess they would be my favorite team. But I have 4 kids in hockey so I rarely get time to watch much hockey outside of my kids games. But Buffalo looks good, and I would probably go with Aneheim as Giguere will probably be tough to beat in the playoffs.
What a prediction? Could happen Pitt is a serious contentender if they get good goaltending. My question is on D but they have the firepower thats for sure. Pretty much the same for nashville. Pitt is who i would like to see. My choice from the west is Calgary but they will have a tough run. The Ducks, Sharks, Canucks are all really strong. It is too bad Betman wrecked the schedual to try to get interest in the US. The whole build rivalries crap. They will happen if teams are stong and run up against each other in the playoffs. But Betman sees the crowds for the battle of alberta not as good as they used to be when both teams were strong. Leafs and Sens prime example of a good rivalry. So Betman wants to build them in the US but the rivarly starts when 2 teams are close and the games are tight not because you play a team 10 times a year.