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Now see that 's what I'm talking about!
I will have to ask my cousin which way the wires go to tell the sex. We just use baling wire.
Hey Ya'll the witching gets even more wilder. I also have a story.

My dad worked for a construction company building roads. He had the 2 rods and could find underground water lines. As a kid I found I could do it also. Actually anyone can. This, I think, is because of a magnetic field developed around the line. Now for the weird part. I was planning on digging a well and a guy at work insisted on him coming out to find the water. I kelp blowing him off until finally I had enough. I told him to come on out. My wife had also lost the diamond out of her ring while mowing the lawn I had mentioned this at work, he said he would find it also. yeah right. He ask me to draw a map of my place and he would do a remote sensing of something like that. When he came to my place he had brought the president of the state dousing society. There were three of them. The president of the dousing society said he had done a remote something or the other and had located a stream running under my house and he had located the diamond. He said the diamond was right behind my house and took his rods and said dig here. I did knowing all along the dimond was in the front yard. The spot he had me dig was where I had removed 9 feet of dirt to build my basement after the stone was lost. Needless to say we didn't find the stone.
Back to the water he said the stream running under the house was bad. Something about spirits and such. ( I told you it got weird ) He said he needed to move it. ugh yeah move it, a under ground stream. He ask me where I wanted him to move it, I said heck send it to my neighbor he probally need some water anyway. He drove a rod into the ground and tapped it wioth a hammer and declared that he had move the stream. He showed me where to dig the well and said I would hit water at 44 feet. Any way they left and I was just standing there like a cow staring at a new gate. The place where he said to dig was about where I wanted a well anyway so I decided to go ahead and put it there. I contacted a guy about digging the well and he said he would get back with me. He called me at work late one night and said he would be there at 7:00 the next day. I had not told anyone he was coming as it was really late in my shift that night so no one but me knew he was coming. He came over the next morning and I looked up and the president of the dousing society was walking across my yard. He lives in Hoover, about 2.5 hours away from me. He said I thought you would be digging today I just wanted to make sure you were in the right spot. Him showing up was freaky. No-one knew I was digging that day and it was about 3 weeks since I had saw him. Anyway the guys had a old pounder type of rig and I hit water somewhere between 40-45 feet. They went on down to 65' for a resirvor and broke the 21' bit. I made a contraption at work to grab it with but it was no use as we picked the truck up trying to get it out. Since it was a pounder rig I thought if we did another hole 2 foot away we would surely break enough rock for water to run into the second hole from the first. I didn't hit water until 70 feet in the second hole I went to 100 feet and put in a pump. Those holes are 2 feet apart with differant water levels, go figure. I at least got a good well, I can pump 21 gallons a minute for 6 hours until I start drawing it down. I can let it set for about 30 minutes and do this all over again. I don't use that much I just wanted to see its capacity. Across the road from me are three dry wells over 200 feet deep.
Now back to the dousing. They said they could find treasures, missing people, anything they ask for. I know the rods will work on undergroung lines but I have never read the headlines Douser finds spanish gold or nothing of them finding missing people. I know if someone can move a underground stream It should be simple to move a above ground stream I couldn't get them to explain this either. I think there is some merit to some of this (water lines and such) but people have expanded on the idea.

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