My scenario,goes back to my Bulls thread

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Feb 16, 2007
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eastern sd
Bought a bull back in Feb,breeder called end of April and said the bull I bought his testicles were degerating, I received no vet slip on the bull,so I was told I would get a list of bulls to choose from and 500.00 discount,well my list of bulls amounted to 1 bull,I said I would like one closer to the bull I bought,they said they would send more to pick from,so couple weeks go by and didn't receive any more then i got a call saying from the hired man was on the way with my bull,so he got here ,isaid I never got any others to pick from ,he said I was told to bring this one,I asked about the discount and he said I know nothing about that,I was told this bull wasn't in the sale cause he had been miss tagged,well the tag he had was right and been in him awhile cause it was worn and dirty,he gave me a invoice and on it was cut him the had been scratched out,this bulls epds weren't very close to what I bought,from a plus bw to a minus,most everything else lower also,so next day I texted breeder asking about the discount,he replied I will think it over and get back to you,that was 5 days ago,so I am quessing no discount,I sure won't be buying more there,this was the 4th bull I bought this year, not at this place though,first time buyer here and I try to be a repeat customer, so my rant for the day
Still at breeders
Dang. Hindsight is always 20/20 but refusing the 2nd bull would have been the best odds of getting some thing done. The breeder would have had to bring you an acceptable bull or refund your money.

With you having another bull in hand, it's tough to go back.

That's disappointing. It's so easy to do the right thing and build life long customers.
best thing is to let everyone know who it is and keep spreading that information on what they did to you.
What cow man said ! Let everyone on the forum know what breeder this is and where they are located . I'd contact the local and state cattlemen's association and let them know . This guy needs a lot of bad publicity !
I agree, he would not have got off the truck here.
Something sounds fishy though, not much detail in what happened to your original bull. Why would they think that the testicles had degenerated, did he get injured, did someone put a band on him by mistake? Might have accepted a better offer for him. Do you know his registered number, you might be able to track his fate on the breed database. In my experience nuts just don't obviously degenerate in a young bull.

There is a lot to unpack here. What the breeder prints in their catalog as a guarantee is the contract you are under. Some breeders are just better at dealing with these issues. Personally I would call the breeder and tell them you are unsatisfied and would prefer that you be given credit on the next sale. If they refuse that option make it known you will out them publicly. There are a lot of bulls out there to chose from for the next go around I recommend finding someone who is easier to deal with.
This situation sounds very odd, a lot of questions should be asked.
I would have never accepted another bull, just my money back, unless I saw and was satisfied with a suitable similar replacement, but that would have been agreed upon at the breeders and not the way it went with them just bringing a bull.
It sounds like based on what has been told that the breeder is an absolute shyster. This sounds more like the business practices of a fly by night two bit cattle trader and not a credible registered breeder.
I agree with @wbvs58 that the excuse given about the testicles sounds odd or it could be that he resold the bull for more money.
An old trader here had a reputation for shady deals. It was said that he would sell a cow to unsuspecting buyers he would have a real good cow in the group and they'd pick her out then when he delivered it it was always a different cow.
Is this a new outfit, or have they been in business selling registered stock of whatever breed it is for a while?
No credible breeder is going to do business like what has been described.
When I was selling bulls, there was seldom any issues that came up as far as bulls not meeting the obligation, but if there was a problem, my solution would be a refund in a case like that or a switch to a similar or better bull if I had one available. I would have gone so far as to given a partial refund if I only had lesser quality bulls left to choose from and the buyer chose one of them. I would make sure that the buyer was satisfied and it would be done in person with the ball being in the buyers court to make the decision in what they wanted to do and within reason I would oblige.
I bought a bull years ago through a regional consignment bull sale. The second high selling bull of the sale. With a couple days the bull became very sick,
Had a vet come out and it was determined to be hardware. We had not had any issues at that point with hardware and because it was so sudden after purchase, contacted the breeder who admitted to having at least one more of his cattle with hardware at that time. He refused to do anything about it and angrily hung up the phone. He was a long time respected breeder by many in the area. Never would I buy from him again or ever even go to that sale again whether or not he was a part of it.
Most breeders care about their reputation and want to satisfy the customers.
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Bought a bull back in Feb,breeder called end of April and said the bull I bought his testicles were degerating, I received no vet slip on the bull,so I was told I would get a list of bulls to choose from and 500.00 discount,well my list of bulls amounted to 1 bull,I said I would like one closer to the bull I bought,they said they would send more to pick from,so couple weeks go by and didn't receive any more then i got a call saying from the hired man was on the way with my bull,so he got here ,isaid I never got any others to pick from ,he said I was told to bring this one,I asked about the discount and he said I know nothing about that,I was told this bull wasn't in the sale cause he had been miss tagged,well the tag he had was right and been in him awhile cause it was worn and dirty,he gave me a invoice and on it was cut him the had been scratched out,this bulls epds weren't very close to what I bought,from a plus bw to a minus,most everything else lower also,so next day I texted breeder asking about the discount,he replied I will think it over and get back to you,that was 5 days ago,so I am quessing no discount,I sure won't be buying more there,this was the 4th bull I bought this year, not at this place though,first time buyer here and I try to be a repeat customer, so my rant for the day
You had paid for the first bull that is still at the breeders,, and they sent you a replacement and an invoice?!!!He wanted you to pay more?!! He should have sent you the bull and a $500 check!
I bet they sold the bull you wanted to buy out from under you.
I'll bet the bulls nuts actually degenerated. Happens for a variety of reasons. I've seen it and heard of it before. Wouldn't call it common but it's not uncommon either.

Some breeders offer credit or replacement of equal value. Some give money back.

the bull can still be sent back. Don't agree with how things unfolded as described but young bulls do degenerate from time to time.
Found this online about testicular degeneration.
Looks like according to the article possible reasons for it are injury, stress, nutrition, age and toxins.
With the exception of possible injury, I would think the other possibilities should be unlikely if it's an outfit that knows or cares what they are doing.
I've raised and sold quite a few bulls, and bought several and had never seen that first hand, and can't recall ever hearing about it from anybody I know.
I have heard of a bull having his scrotum stepped on by another while laying down .
Found this online about testicular degeneration.
Looks like according to the article possible reasons for it are injury, stress, nutrition, age and toxins.
With the exception of possible injury, I would think the other possibilities should be unlikely if it's an outfit that knows or cares what they are doing.
I've raised and sold quite a few bulls, and bought several and had never seen that first hand, and can't recall ever hearing about it from anybody I know.
I have heard of a bull having his scrotum stepped on by another while laying down .
And that's all well and good... and I'm sure we all hope the claim and the result are well intentioned... but without KNOWing anything other than the story, we also know human nature and the odds... and have legitimate reasons to be suspicious.
And that's all well and good... and I'm sure we all hope the claim and the result are well intentioned... but without KNOWing anything other than the story, we also know human nature and the odds... and have legitimate reasons to be suspicious.
Not sure what you're getting at there about something being well and good, and hope the claims and result are well intentioned?
I agree we don't know the whole story story. It certainly looks very suspect the way I understand what has been told.
That's what I was getting at that the story about the degeneration seemed very odd and thus suspicious and not sure I would believe it without some sort of proof.
I agree on letting us know who the breeder is and how much you spent on the bull. If the bull was bought at auction, I would also talk with the auctioneer and ring men as well.
That being said sadly I don't hold out much hope. I am finding the upstanding American farmer a relic of the past. Grandpa might have been salt of the earth but junior and bubba are spoilt rotten.
Sight unseen sales are usually satisfaction on delivery. Not understanding if you bought the bull in person and if the bull was insured or not. Had a bull purchased sight unseen this winter from a seed stock producer I have dealt with for 30 years have one testicle degenerate before delivery. Bull went to kill, insurance paid difference and breeder sent me one of his best yearlings in place of the two year old for considerably less money.
There is no way I would have accepted the shafting you got. Breeder would be hauling bull home….. Very few refund your money but most will give credit at par at their next sale.

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