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Well-known member
Aug 16, 2010
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Western Oklahoma
I saw your tag line. If you're a Laura Ingalls Wilder fan, you may be interested in knowing that her memoirs are finally being published. My wife is a big fan and told me.

I guess it's pretty raw, as life was then. Tells of a guy that she saw catch himself on fire because he was so drunk when he lit a cigar. Which made me think of the scotch and cigar thread. :drink: + :cowboy: = :hat:
I love Laura Ingalls Wilder's books. I read them many times to my third graders. They loved them,too. I will always remember how we all cried when Laura's dog Jack died.
Thank you for your information on her memoirs. Hope I can remember to look for it in January.
Cool! Thanks for the heads up. I am a great admirer of her. I think everyone should read her books at least twice, once as children and then again as an adult because there is so much more that you get "between the lines" as a grownup.

One thing that really struck me about that family, is how they could be tough as nails, strong and brave, yet still keep their gentility, their manners. They represented the best of both worlds, IMHO.

I have been to her home in Missouri, where she lived the longest and where she actually wrote the books. It gave me goosebumps to be standing in her kitchen, where the bread plate she got as a wedding gift is on display and everything was custom made for her by Almanzo. She was a tiny thing, the counters were low.

If you are ever passing thru, it's not that far from Springfield.

Maybe somebody on your Christmas list could use the box set of her books?
I am glad you put this up. My grandmother enhanced my love of reading by reading me the Little House books. I always encourage my lower readers to read them for a good start since they are written so simply. Sadly, today's 8th graders think they are too cool for Little House.

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