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Well-known member
Feb 3, 2005
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I offen wondered how many people on here know each other. I know one person, and actually tried to buy cattle from her a few years back. I say tried 'cuz her and the Mrs. almost had a knock down drag out over one old cow. Nothin uglier than two stubborn women each tryin to have their way. When she gave us directions to the pasture, she said it was choice of pairs, and there was one cow that was not for sale. Mrs. said ok, drove out there and picked out 50 pairs, including the one that was NOT for sale. Mrs. wanted it, and the little gal wasn't givin her up, even when my wife started throwing around a few extra $$$ of mine. quite a scene! :roll: I had to push the mrs into the truck for safety and sanity reasons. My wife is a force not to be recond with, and the other little #90 woman wasn't seein that.
good thing you held her back!

whoever heard of buying 49 pairs![/i]
All right, now we have a source for the dirt on Medic. :D If he has only shared half of the accidents that happen to him, I don't want to be near him during a lightning storm. :lol:
Ah.........I'm up for a little bit of intrigue...................but perhaps there is little to be had here, as some one knows waaaaay to much about me already..........seems some one has been around this earth near as long as I have............

I need to stop bragging about how great this Cattle Forum is to everyone, as I have perhaps spoken to at least one too many folks about it. YIKES!

Well, I am up for a little bit of fun and or intrigue as long as no one gets hurt, especially my family. But I can already guess the suspects in this case on just a few fingers, so 'I knowu' just keep that in mind, huh?

And to clearify a few things, it's not all that bad here. Yes, I do have a few cows and other animals that are a bit past prime, but they are our pets more then anything.

And as far as being a collector, what farmer isn't? Thank goodness I collected so much steel before the prices went sky high. And if perhaps this is who I think it may be, you better be glad I have collected so much hay this year, because if I am right, and I do had to come and get some from me last winter eh?

I can't defend the statement regarding building barns, as my brother came down this weekend to help me build two smaller ones, and two additions.....................but hay< (excuse the pun) barns are a good thing, let's us collectors keep things in the dry, such as hay, that others may need to get before the long, cold, snowy winter is over ;-) And in case you need to keep up the count, we are up to eight now, lest you miscount.

And last but certainly not least, my junk is MY junk, and it often comes in handy, especially for those neighbors, friends and family that come looking for something they need. (hint, hint).

Furthermore, why would I want to buy and drive a newer truck when it is to be used for farming? I can't even fathom buying a $30,000 truck to take out into a pasture, loaded up with feed and equipment only to have the cows, or the equipment dent, bang, and scratch it up.Plus who do I need to impress?

But, hey, welcome to the boards, hope you learn as much as I have, and have as much fellowship as well. Hope we stay friends, family, neighbors or what ever we are. :cboy:
Well folks my cousin fessed up this afternoon, she though it was a real hoot to get me going, little did she know that our moderator put an end to that one early on! lol..

As far as the trucks.... yes I do have a newer one, a 97 model for family outings. my older versions range from 79, 87, 88, and 92 respectively , almost all Fords. It's the 79 that has the spear hole in it, well add that to the other dents and rust, and it's got some real character now :oops:

And I must also admit, that cousin 'it' was right, on a few points. I came home from the sale this evening to find one of my favorite Llamas had gone to the big pasture in the sky. He was rather ancient and likely died from TMB ( To many Birthdays) But he will be greatly missed in any case. Buried him extra deep in order to deprive the coyotes of a midnight snack.

This post has kind of opened my eyes, and I suspect we will see some heavy culling here over the next month or so. :cboy:
Medic, I saw no need for an explaination here. Or any reason to change the way you operate. If it works for you and you like what you are one (shy of maybe your wife) should talk you into changing it.

Good Luck Medic.
I with the rest of em. Only one you gotta please is your family. Whatever and how ever you want to do it is up to You.
Medic, count me in with Cert,D R, and Bama.
Who was it, Ricky Nelson? who sang "you can't please everyone so you gotta please yourself". If it works for you and your family, so it shall be.

Medic I agree. When I first read it I thought - boy I hope this isn't a "friend". But how can a relative be so hard & critical posting to the public what "she thought " was wrong with your life & not say it to your face. It is your life - not hers!
Kelly":1rouk4z1 said:
Medic I agree. When I first read it I thought - boy I hope this isn't a "friend". But how can a relative be so hard & critical posting to the public what "she thought " was wrong with your life & not say it to your face. It is your life - not hers!

Happens every day of the week, just may not be on the internet.