Mannan oligosacchiarides

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Apparently it was developed (?) by a Dr. Gary Pusillo and it works well at tightening up cattle when they have the runs. I had got an email address to make contact and try to order some of it but the address didn't work. I was hoping someone out there knew where I could find this stuff....
It's oligosaccharide. I would guess all of the major feed companies would have it available- though maybe not in stock at the feed store. It's a carb that comes from the outer cell wall of yeast I think. Supposed to bind up the bad pathogens in the digestive tract and allow them to pass instead of attaching to the gut wall. I don't know how it would work as a treatment rather than as a preventive. I would wonder about the time it would take to be effective. Good luck. Let us know what you find.