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Jun 10, 2015
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Winfield, KS
Heading into town this morning and just crossed the cattle guard at the entrance to the ranch when I saw something in the central pasture. Stopped the truck and it was a beautiful bobcat, just sitting there, watching me. Then, something else caught my eye and saw her kitten (or one of them) running around and playing in the pasture. 1675367867450.jpeg
That is cool. I work at a former military air field. Close to 25 years ago we watched a bobcat make four trips across the main tie-down area carrying kittens from a yard with a bunch of wrecked vehicles to a patch of woods on the other side. We still have a picture of her carrying one hanging on the bulletin board in the break room
Beautiful animals! Going to my tree stand deer hunting one morning before daylight. Stepped over a big pine log . As daylight came I noticed some movement on that log . It was 3 bobcat kittens playing, rolling, chasing each other . Mom was lying next to the log watching her brood and looking for their next meal . No cell phones in those days . Would have been cool video or pics .
so beautiful. I must be missing the kitten in the photo, where is it?
Couldn't get the kitten because it was too far away and had the zoomies - a little maniac! Neighbor told me he's seen her, and she has 3 kittens. Which would explain why mama just sat there, completely exhausted. We've seen them around the ranch but generally in the woods - not the wide-open pasture next to the township road.
Beautiful animals! Going to my tree stand deer hunting one morning before daylight. Stepped over a big pine log . As daylight came I noticed some movement on that log . It was 3 bobcat kittens playing, rolling, chasing each other . Mom was lying next to the log watching her brood and looking for their next meal . No cell phones in those days . Would have been cool video or pics .
Mr TC has seen quite a few while he's in his blind. His pics SUCK and he has no clue how to video.
I can count on one hand, how many I've seen live around here..though we have plenty..they are like spotting Bigfoot …

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