LT Rio Blanco

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Aug 4, 2004
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Just wondering what the charolais guys on the board think of him and his progeny??
Anyone here raise Char - other than a cross?

I draw a blank when I think on it - other than CA who crosses.

Yes there are a few Charolais guys lurking in the backround. Hard to get a word in edgewise with all the Angus breeders online now a days.
I saw several sons at the Lindskov-Thiel sale last year. We also own a daughter. The cattle are really thick and are the easy keeping kind. Seem to have quiet dispositions too.
Hey ... I am a Charolais Breeder, and I work for a semen company. I think Rio Blanco is gonna be HOT this season. Those calves are growthy as can be!!!! My cows carry a little higer birthweght than I'd like, so I am not using least not this season. Good luck!! :)
Rio Blanco sons have topped many bulls tests this past year off his first calf crop and with good carcass results also on amazingly moderate frame scores. One calf in an Alabama test scanned a 20 sq. in. ribeye! His first heifers are calving now at Lindskov-Thiel. His calves will add another dimension to the Charolais breed, i.e. growth, which we have lost much of.
I have bred lots of heifers to Rio and no problems.
One of the biggest pluses of his calves are getting up quick after birth. Have had the comment made to me, "if you don't tag 'em in the first five minutes, you may have to take 'em to the chute." :lol:
Alan, you are right on with the disposition attributes!
Glad to hear such positive comments on Rio Blanco. I can't wait to try him out. Like I said, I think he's gonna be a hot seller this year.... :) Can't wait to see how he continues to perform. Good luck!

Heather :)
Leslie, I will not be able to make it again this year to the LT sale. Would certainly like to make your acquaintance also. Have a safe trip!