La Nina

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Well-known member
Mar 20, 2011
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S.E. Queensland, Australia
We have just come out of our 2nd very wet summer having had two La Nina's in a row which apparently is very rare and now they are saying that there is a chance of a 3rd one next summer whereas a couple of weeks ago they were saying that 3 in a row just never happens. Of course the "Climate Changers" are taking credit for all this, personally I blame the religious people, when we had our big drought for us 2018/2019 but for others much longer and still happening, I thing they overdid their prayers for rain and now we are getting it and getting it and getting it. It has been a very wet autumn and looks like carrying on into winter and of course we are in the time of year when things just don't dry out. I can't complain there is plenty of feed and the clover is looking very strong and should keep growing through winter and spring and give some very good growing calves when they arrive from early July. I have some paddocks that are waterlogged and of limited use and accessing some areas is very difficult. Trees are going over everywhere and often you don't know they have flattened a fence until you see cows where they shouldn't be. I have to rethink how I do things and this year I'll have to keep my heifers closer to home.
My understanding is that the La Nina is not good news for people on the west coast of the USA unfortunately. Stocker Steve, is the La Nina responsible for your drought?

Crazy how it's flood or famine with these weather patterns. We have extreme drought 40 miles from sufficient rain. Every storm system that has been coming seems to hit an umbrella west of I 35.

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