Its must be that time of year

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Jul 17, 2006
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South Georgia
Mailman has dropped two seed catalogs by the house. Oh at the pictures of the beautiful veggies and such. Inspirational to say the least. Got me planning for this year's spring garden. What will you be planting? What catalogs do you get?

I'm thinking of going vertical this year in one of the grardens. I think it will be useful and efficient.
Got my catalogs couple weeks ago...

I'm going to plant lots of beans this year...some for drying for soups, and some soybeans. On the news they showed planting a garden (they say like the indians did) with corns plants spaced several feet apart..then plant beans at the base..the beans grow up the stalks and then plant squash inbetween rows as a living mulch..think I will try that.

Saw a tomato plant that was almost seedless in one of the catalogs...might go well in the salsa garden.

I am going to double the size of the garden this year..
Got Gurneys and Henry Fields catalogs. Had pretty good luck last year with the seeds from Fields so I'm going to stick with them.
Plan to get my green peppers from the local florist again, much easier to have them already started and ready for the garden.
Going to enlarge my garden this spring.
Seems like I get every seed and garden catalog under the sun... How do they get my address anyway?
But, still going to plant about the same as I always do.. green peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, squash, okra, turnips, onions along with our regular patches of strawberries, and crop of asparagus.
We do peppers, tomatoes, red potatoes, beans, watermelons, onions, squash, corn, peanuts, pumpkins, cucumbers, and zucchini in the garden.

We grow radishes, field of green mix, tomatoes, strawberry, peppers, onions, broccoli, carrots, and herbs in the green house. In the summer we don't do the onions and tomatoes we do more strawberries.

We have apple trees and peach trees on out farm also.
I do need to order some new trays and a few more seeds.
mobgrazer":1i1mf0x9 said:
We do peppers, tomatoes, red potatoes, beans, watermelons, onions, squash, corn, peanuts, pumpkins, cucumbers, and zucchini in the garden.

We grow radishes, field of green mix, tomatoes, strawberry, peppers, onions, broccoli, carrots, and herbs in the green house. In the summer we don't do the onions and tomatoes we do more strawberries.

We have apple trees and peach trees on out farm also.
I do need to order some new trays and a few more seeds.
mobgrazer.. Did you all have a good crop of apples and peaches this past year??
We have 25 apple trees and got 150 quarts this year. Most years we get close to 250. We did have family issues during this time so that might have been part of it. We had a lot more on the ground then I can remember in a long time.

We have 10 peach trees and had half we normally get but they were the best we have ever grown. We could not keep the kids out of them this year a few times we had sick kids because of them. They found out what happens when you eat too many of them at one time and it took them a few rounds to learn this.

We do water our fruit trees once a week and put down fertilizer twice a year.
I ordered my seed last week. I wanted to see more new varieties but there aren't too many in the pumpkin/gourd/squash scene
I am living in a trailer right now while I got to school, so I am gardening in 5 gallon buckets filled half and half with garden soil & cow manure from home, and a few plants in the ground (only hardy ones because the soil here sucks). I have started doing some planning even though I have about 4 months before I can even start seeds, much less put them outside! I'm planning on having a small herb garden with oregano, parsley, chives, cilantro, and basil, and planting tomatoes, green peppers, jalapenos, watermelon, pumpkin, cukes, beet greens, carrots, spring mix, and leaf lettuce in the buckets. I'd also like to do some flowers around the house. Can't wait to buy some land and have a real garden again! I'm really interested in heirloom varieties and saving seeds-I just got some cilantro and pumpkin seeds from the USDA germplasm center.
LoveMoo11":b210vh63 said:
I am living in a trailer right now while I got to school, so I am gardening in 5 gallon buckets filled half and half with garden soil & cow manure from home, and a few plants in the ground (only hardy ones because the soil here sucks). I have started doing some planning even though I have about 4 months before I can even start seeds, much less put them outside! I'm planning on having a small herb garden with oregano, parsley, chives, cilantro, and basil, and planting tomatoes, green peppers, jalapenos, watermelon, pumpkin, cukes, beet greens, carrots, spring mix, and leaf lettuce in the buckets. I'd also like to do some flowers around the house. Can't wait to buy some land and have a real garden again! I'm really interested in heirloom varieties and saving seeds-I just got some cilantro and pumpkin seeds from the USDA germplasm center.

When I got out on my on, I was as poor as the dirt you speak of. My main weekend recreational activity was watching a show on PBS about square foot gardening. I invested in the guys book and believe me at the time the $20 was an investment. :oops: It is marvelous book. Its out of print now but you can find it on the web. Its well worth the money and I think you would find it quite useful for what you are talking about.
We burned off the garden and tilled in the manure this weekend. I am going to put in the 'taters earlier this year than last. I am skipping corn, as I never have had much success with it, and going for the beans and peas this year. I am planting my 'maters in beds like I did onions last year. I had some come up volunteer in the beds last year and they worked out nicely and look nice, too. Likewise with the peppers. I am going to save room in the garden for the peas, beans and squash. Last year cutworms got the squash and I want to make up for lost time.

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