Interesting read on a terrorist mindset

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Jul 5, 2012
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Copperas Cove Tx
A book out by James E. Mitchell.
"Enhanced Interrogation: Inside the Minds and Motives of the Islamic Terrorists Trying To Destroy America
an excerpt:

"KSM (Khalid Sheik Mohammed) also described for Mitchell many of his as yet unconsummated ideas for future attacks, the terrifying details of which Mitchell does not reveal for fear they might be implemented. "If we ever allow him to communicate unmonitored with the outside world," Mitchell writes, "he could easily spread his deviously simple but potentially deadly ideas."

But perhaps the most riveting part of the book is what KSM told Mitchell about what inspired al-Qaeda to attack the United States — and the U.S. response he expected. Today, some on both the left and the right argue that al-Qaeda wanted to draw us into a quagmire in Afghanistan — and now the Islamic State wants to do the same in Iraq and Syria. KSM said this is dead wrong. Far from trying to draw us in, KSM said that al-Qaeda expected the United States to respond to 9/11 as we had the 1983 bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut — when, KSM told Mitchell, the United States "turned tail and ran." He also said he thought we would treat 9/11 as a law enforcement matter, just as we had the bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania and the USS Cole in Yemen — arresting some operatives and firing a few missiles into empty tents, but otherwise leaving him free to plan the next attack.

"Then he looked at me and said, 'How was I supposed to know that cowboy George Bush would announce he wanted us 'dead or alive' and then invade Afghanistan to hunt us down?'" Mitchell writes. "KSM explained that if the United States had treated 9/11 like a law enforcement matter, he would have had time to launch a second wave of attacks." He was not able to do so because al-Qaeda was stunned "by the ferocity and swiftness of George W. Bush's response."
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I read what you highlighted. Did not read the link. Reporting what a terrorist tells you is one thing, believing it is another.
Well, Mitchell is retired now, and lives in Land O' Lakes, Florida. I'm sure you can find his address and maybe even a Ph # and call him on his version of the events if you wish.
greybeard":1pgzwpck said:
Well, Mitchell is retired now, and lives in Land O' Lakes, Florida. I'm sure you can find his address and maybe even a Ph # and call him on his version of the events if you wish.

You better read my post again. It was clear. It is not Mitchell's version that should be questioned. It is the statements of Khalid Sheik Mohammed that should be questioned. I would not believe one word that comes out of his mouth.
I read it. KSM is still down at Guantanamo. Go down and question him yourself--or, just throw out more unsubstantiated rhetoric Ron.
greybeard":3tan1ne0 said:
I read it. KSM is still down at Guantanamo. Go down and question him yourself--or, just throw out more unsubstantiated rhetoric Ron.

I went back and read the link. There is absolutely no reason for Mitchell to misrepresent what he was told.

I simply think Islamic terrorist are so dedicated to their dogma that they would purposely mislead their foe. They have nothing left to lose. The only means to promote their cause would be to misdirect the interrogators.

BTW: it is an interesting read. Mitchell had an experience that is for sure.
If it wasn't for Florida KSM would of been dead on with our response. Don't ever underestimate what a real American can and will do to protect their family. Look at United Airlines flight 93.
Margonme":2psi4be1 said:
greybeard":2psi4be1 said:
I read it. KSM is still down at Guantanamo. Go down and question him yourself--or, just throw out more unsubstantiated rhetoric Ron.

I went back and read the link. There is absolutely no reason for Mitchell to misrepresent what he was told.

I simply think Islamic terrorist are so dedicated to their dogma that they would purposely mislead their foe. They have nothing left to lose. The only means to promote their cause would be to misdirect the interrogators.

BTW: it is an interesting read. Mitchell had an experience that is for sure.
They will say or do whatever is necessary to further their cause. Lie, cheat, steal, act innocent, be your supposed friend and yes....die....and it is all made possible by the teachings of the Koran and some dumb a$$ imam. Sort of like listening to Rev. Wright.
TexasBred":3nuwrulh said:
Margonme":3nuwrulh said:
greybeard":3nuwrulh said:
I read it. KSM is still down at Guantanamo. Go down and question him yourself--or, just throw out more unsubstantiated rhetoric Ron.

I went back and read the link. There is absolutely no reason for Mitchell to misrepresent what he was told.

I simply think Islamic terrorist are so dedicated to their dogma that they would purposely mislead their foe. They have nothing left to lose. The only means to promote their cause would be to misdirect the interrogators.

BTW: it is an interesting read. Mitchell had an experience that is for sure.
They will say or do whatever is necessary to further their cause. Lie, cheat, steal, act innocent, be your supposed friend and yes....die....and it is all made possible by the teachings of the Koran and some dumb a$$ imam. Sort of like listening to Rev. Wright.

TennesseeTuxedo":317qxr7k said:
I remember it being mentioned on more than one occasion in the fall of 2001 how lucky we all were Al Gore lost the election.

Never forget if he had only carried his adopted home state he'd have won.

Margonme":14i5b1nt said:
greybeard":14i5b1nt said:
I read it. KSM is still down at Guantanamo. Go down and question him yourself--or, just throw out more unsubstantiated rhetoric Ron.

I went back and read the link. There is absolutely no reason for Mitchell to misrepresent what he was told.

I simply think Islamic terrorist are so dedicated to their dogma that they would purposely mislead their foe. They have nothing left to lose. The only means to promote their cause would be to misdirect the interrogators.

BTW: it is an interesting read. Mitchell had an experience that is for sure.
What am I missing here? What would a terrorist gain by misleading the foe in the statement he made?
Ryder":3en9st7x said:
Margonme":3en9st7x said:
greybeard":3en9st7x said:
I read it. KSM is still down at Guantanamo. Go down and question him yourself--or, just throw out more unsubstantiated rhetoric Ron.

I went back and read the link. There is absolutely no reason for Mitchell to misrepresent what he was told.

I simply think Islamic terrorist are so dedicated to their dogma that they would purposely mislead their foe. They have nothing left to lose. The only means to promote their cause would be to misdirect the interrogators.

BTW: it is an interesting read. Mitchell had an experience that is for sure.
What am I missing here? What would a terrorist gain by misleading the foe in the statement he made?

Khalid Sheik Mohammed is a terrorist prisoner at Guantonomo. His opportunities to further his cause have been sequestered. The only means to contribute to his cause is to promote terroist propaganda and misinformation through a mouth piece like Mitchell. His statements that can be corroborated are useful. The rest are garbage. Nevertheless, It is interesting exploring KSM's mindset.

PS: Here is the story on Mitchell. He got a contract to develop the interrogation program at guantonomo, yet he did not appear to be qualified:

Mitchell had never conducted an interrogation, had no training as an interrogator, had no expertise in al Qaeda and no familiarity with the organization, did not speak Arabic and had no training in radical Islam. Mitchell nonetheless said he could design and implement an interrogation plan for alleged al Qaeda suspects.

Later his contract was cancelled, he ended up in court:

In April 2009, the CIA canceled the contract with Mitchell and Jessen's company, after having paid $81 million out of the authorized $180 million.[1][3] The CIA Inspector General concluded that there was no scientific reason to believe that the program Mitchell designed was medically safe or would produce reliable information.[6] The CIA agreed as part of the contract to provide legal costs for Mitchell and Jessen of at least $5 million if necessary.[7]
Actions speak louder than words. They expect to cut to the front of the line in front of infidels. I've seen it. Catered meals and work and they walk to the front. People call them out and the tempers flare.

Flushing the toilet is beneath their level.

Heck I have brought a bag of figs to work and given them to friends. Had a muslim tell me to bring the whole bag to him, "you bring to me, I give". Me giving them out on the table to friends was offensive as it was to be his charge to dole out MY figs.

I can go on and on. Logic is out the window. We are infidels. Lower than the lowest life forms in their eyes. That is their upbringing. That's what they have lived their whole lives.
backhoeboogie":3hxvks1o said:
Actions speak louder than words. They expect to cut to the front of the line in front of infidels. I've seen it. Catered meals and work and they walk to the front. People call them out and the tempers flare.

Flushing the toilet is beneath their level.

Heck I have brought a bag of figs to work and given them to friends. Had a muslim tell me to bring the whole bag to him, "you bring to me, I give". Me giving them out on the table to friends was offensive as it was to be his charge to dole out MY figs.

I can go on and on. Logic is out the window. We are infidels. Lower than the lowest life forms in their eyes. That is their upbringing. That's what they have lived their whole lives.

I do not doubt one word of what you said.

There is another side of the coin. With 33 years of civil service under my belt, I have encountered a few Muslims. The ones I worked with had a great work ethic, were intelligent and honest. One of my son's friends at Montana State University was a Muslim from Pakistan. He was one of the most civil and mannerly young men I ever met.

Also, there is Dr. Mohammed Sabie, I took one of my PE courses under him. One of the nicest kindess men I ever had as a Professor. I learned later that he was a better humanitarian than he was a soccer coach.

Morehead State University Hall of Fame
SPORT(S) Men's Soccer

Dr. Mohammed Sabie is often regarded as the "Father of Soccer" in Kentucky. He started the soccer program at MSU in 1964 and led the Eagles to several state championships. He was the coach of the men's soccer program at club status and/or varsity status from 1964-1992. He also taught at Morehead State for 38 years.

Sabie started coaching soccer as a student at Florida Southern. He organized and started the men's club soccer program there. After three years as a club sport, it received full intercollegiate status. Sabie graduated from Florida Sothern in 1957 and brought his soccer expertise to MSU.

Sabie also coached for the Iraqi soccer team in the 1968 games in Mexico City. In addition to being a soccer coach, Sabie was a professor for Morehead State. He wrote two textbooks on the sport of soccer and was respected world-wide as an authority on the game.

Dr. Sabie passed away in 2007 at the age of 77. He is survived by his wife Layla and their three children.
I've only worked with around 1000 or so throughout the years. Mostly in engineering. Some contractors and some not.

Several Pakistanis myself. Ones from lower casts are humble. They are easier to deal with and can actually be pleasant. One of my favorites grew up in the house of the man who killed his father and took his land. He took over his father's wives and children. Raised him up and sent him to college. He settled nicely here and all of his sons are doctors. This man's mother was essentially living in a concubine so he had no high ego. A very humble man. Intelligent too. There is a difference.

Those dark skinned people of the middle east, India and the rest of Asia are intelligent. And unlike Americans, education is sacred to them. I have met a number of Asian Indians and they are very progressive, intelligent, motivated and educated.
More amazing for the Indians is they can tell you what town their peers are from, simply by their names. Several have had to go home and find a wife through the years. Its hilarious. Their brothers conduct interviews and arrange the marriages. They marry within their cast. There's one in my group I have worked with off and on with since '86. Really polite. Professional Engineer is both Electrical and Mechanical. Degrees in both. Very intelligent. Meek. Quiet. Never toots his own horn. Gets a lot of work done.
Margonme":2uajm2u7 said:

Those dark skinned people of the middle east, India and the rest of Asia are intelligent. And unlike Americans, education is sacred to them. I have met a number of Asian Indians and they are very progressive, intelligent, motivated and educated.
Amazing how many doctors are now from India and now work in the US. Many of them excellent doctors as well. Only knew one family closely and every child graduated HS as valedictorian and went on to become medical doctors. Extremely intelligent and hard working. Many were Hindu's and some were Christian. Never met any myself that were muslim. We actually had a priest at our church for awhile that was from India. They transferred him and we got a new one from Sri Lanka. Couldn't tell one from the other.
A big part is their culture...the discipline to study, not date and hang out with the in crowd.

(CNN)It was the third straight year of double winners at the 2016 Scripps National Spelling Bee.
Nihar Janga, 11, of Austin, Texas, and Jairam Hathwar, 13, of Corning, New York, were declared co-champions at the National Spelling Bee on Thursday.

"It was just insane, I don't even know how to put it in words," Jairam said.
"I'm just speechless. I can't say anything. I'm only in fifth grade," Nihar said.
What makes a good speller (or a bad one)?
Nihar correctly spelled the word "gesellschaft" and Jairam correctly spelled the word "Feldenkrais."
It's all in the family for Jairam. His brother Sriram won the 2014 spelling championship.

You'll notice they do not very often participate in sports after high school.

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