I know it sounds weird, but...

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I teach high school and have a student wanting to do a project on growing worms (earthworms). She has been told that there is a company in Oklahoma that will buy the worms at a good price. Apparenty they are sold to large city landfills and turned loose to speed up the breakdown of the garbage.<p>If you know of such a place, please let me know.
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[email protected]
Hello JKH,<p>It's true that earthworms are raised and sold for a variety of purposes, fishing being the most popular. You might try contacting your local county agent as he/she should be able to provide you with culture procedures and sources. I don't know where you're located but if you do not have any luck with the county agent contact me as I should have some information filed away at my office. Good luck.<p>Lance<br>
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[email protected]

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