Hydrgen peroxide

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OxyBlast":p38u3y1r said:
ALACOWMAN":p38u3y1r said:
i have been in a discussion on a tread went completly out of CT typed in the word of the topic to do some homework. and came across the same discussion going on at cattle today. it even has your user name on it.


Ok so what does that all mean?...lol....please explain. Thank you...

So I guess thats not how you found this discussion. I fyou dnt want to answer thats fine, but coudl you just say your not going to answer so I quit wondering.
3MR":2xjlweex said:
So I guess thats not how you found this discussion. I fyou dnt want to answer thats fine, but coudl you just say your not going to answer so I quit wondering.

Oh ok. I see where you guys are going with this, I think....lol

You all are referring to this particular thread? No I did not pick up this thread from a search engine. Here is the proof. Now look at my profile and see when I joined. April 2007. So unless I am a psychic and predicted this thread 3 months ago....I signed up here over 3 months ago. And no I did not come in here right away and start posting about our business. I saw an opportunity here and took it. For those interested in more information and finding out what we are about PM, or call us. My dad has a buy back program. He will back back any unopened product and the pump system after 4 months if you are not satisfied with the results. How can you not take that opportunity? We are here for you people and your livestock and your success... Thanks!
Thats not where I was going. I was just curious why the first time I could ever remember seeing you make a post was when someone started talking about hydrogen peroxyde. Then BAM, you appeared out of nowhere boasting the virtues of your product.
no problem on my end. as long as my herd is healthy i see no reason for it. and i sure don't want to fool around with their gut flora by killing the good bugs
ALACOWMAN":238dzjsv said:
no problem on my end. as long as my herd is healthy i see no reason for it. and i sure don't want to fool around with their gut flora by killing the good bugs


Aerobic bacteria found in the intestine are friendly bacteria, which aid in digestion. These organisms thrive in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. But H2O2 works against all anaerobic organisms. These include all viruses, mutated candida, gangrene, bacteria.



Antibiotic Therapy

Broad-spectrum antibiotics and some anti-parasitic chemicals periodically introduced into the system devastate the beneficial microbial population as well as target pathogens. Chlorine in the water, added by authorities to act as a purifying, antibacterial agent, will also have a detrimental effect on the horse's beneficial gut flora.

Frequent occurrence of disease following antibiotic treatment suggests a protective suppressing effect from the normal resident population. The gut flora acts as an important barrier to pathogenic colonization by monopolizing all available nutrients and residential sites. Some are also able to produce their own antibodies against other species. For example, various lactobacillus strains produce lactic and acetic acids and hydrogen peroxide which inhibit the growth of Eshcerichia coli and other gas producing coliforms which cause disease when their numbers become excessive.

So the colon naturally produces hydrogen peroxide. So it seems to me that using hydrogen peroxide would help with the gut flora NOT damage it. Antibiotics, which vets recommend, and chlorine are destroyers of gut flora. Do you use chlorine in your water supply?
3MR":38zpllki said:
Thats not where I was going. I was just curious why the first time I could ever remember seeing you make a post was when someone started talking about hydrogen peroxyde. Then BAM, you appeared out of nowhere boasting the virtues of your product.

Hello 3MR

Ok....so is there anything wrong with that? So I REALLY believe in our product. And this is a health section for livestock. And this is a post, made by someone else, about hydrogen peroxide. So what did I or am I doing wrong here? Is it wrong for someone to believe in their product and to promote it when an opportunity arrives?
Farmers injecting their cattle with H202????.........Dont know about that, I thought if you injected it, you would be injecting air into them. If you did it in a vein , it would kill them. I dont think injecting it in a muscle or under the skin would be a good idea either. I asked this question because I thought maybe it could be used as a water additive, not knowing that you had to buy a whole system in order for it to work. Since I found this site , when I hear of something Ive never heard of thats suppose to make life a little easier, I look to see if anybody else has talked about it and ask if nobody has, this was one of those things.Thanks for all the replies. Didnt have any idea it would get this much attention though. :shock:
OxyBlast":1mj4zd39 said:
3MR":1mj4zd39 said:
Thats not where I was going. I was just curious why the first time I could ever remember seeing you make a post was when someone started talking about hydrogen peroxyde. Then BAM, you appeared out of nowhere boasting the virtues of your product.

Hello 3MR

Ok....so is there anything wrong with that? So I REALLY believe in our product. And this is a health section for livestock. And this is a post, made by someone else, about hydrogen peroxide. So what did I or am I doing wrong here? Is it wrong for someone to believe in their product and to promote it when an opportunity arrives?

Hey, I dont care what you do. Like I said before, I was just curious.
Coweena":jni74v5b said:
Farmers injecting their cattle with H202????.........Dont know about that, I thought if you injected it, you would be injecting air into them. If you did it in a vein , it would kill them. I dont think injecting it in a muscle or under the skin would be a good idea either. I asked this question because I thought maybe it could be used as a water additive, not knowing that you had to buy a whole system in order for it to work. Since I found this site , when I hear of something Ive never heard of thats suppose to make life a little easier, I look to see if anybody else has talked about it and ask if nobody has, this was one of those things.Thanks for all the replies. Didnt have any idea it would get this much attention though. :shock:

I cant imagine why in this day and age you would inject HP.

But.....Injecting air into a vein will kill you. Injecting it into a muscle or fat wont. Air and oxygen are two different things.
Coweena":28eyppaw said:
Farmers injecting their cattle with H202????.........Dont know about that, I thought if you injected it, you would be injecting air into them. If you did it in a vein , it would kill them. I dont think injecting it in a muscle or under the skin would be a good idea either. I asked this question because I thought maybe it could be used as a water additive, not knowing that you had to buy a whole system in order for it to work. Since I found this site , when I hear of something Ive never heard of thats suppose to make life a little easier, I look to see if anybody else has talked about it and ask if nobody has, this was one of those things.Thanks for all the replies. Didnt have any idea it would get this much attention though. :shock:

Hello Coweena

Well all one has to do is look at Dr. Charles Farr findings and compare them to livestock to get an idea of how beneficial injecting your livestock with H2O2 can be. Obviously Dr. Farr used his experiments on human patients. But think of the benefits of your livestock drinking H2O2 or injecting them with it.

Here is a comment from Dr. Farr

From: "The use of Dilute Hydrogen Peroxide to Inject Trigger Points. Sports Injuries and Inflamed Joints with a Postulated mechanism of Action" by Charles H Farr, MD, Ph.D February 1993

"In our hands the local injection of 0.03 percent of hydrogen peroxide in the joints, soft tissues, nerves, tendons, ligaments,etc. has been successful in relieving pain and inflammation and has been without systematic or local side effects or other complications. Other physicians, who practice sports medicine, have reported to me rapid healing and return to normal function when injured tissue is treated with injections of hydrogen peroxide. Based on our increasing knowledge of mechanism of healing induced by the cytokines stimulated by hydrogen peroxide, we can understand why rapid recovery should occur when treating these sports injuries."

Summary of injection of H2O2 experiments from Dr. Farr

"The first effect of hydrogen peroxide that we proved from these experiments is that oxygen(from the peroxide injections) doesnt leave the body, it comes out in the lungs and goes back in. That effect has proven to be medically beneficial.
The second effect of hydrogen peroxide is that it provides singlet oxygen which, in turn, transforms biological waste products and industrial toxins into inert substances by oxidizing them. This enables the kidneys and the liver to handle them more easily. It doubles the rate of enzymatic metabolism in the mitochondria within each cell, thus enabling the body to cleanse itself of toxins and still have plenty of energy to handle daily functioning. This increase in metabolism probably accounts for some of the anti bacterial, anti fungal, and anti viral effects of hydrogen peroxide.

The effect of singlet oxygen in the human body is two-fold.

1. It kills, or severely inhibits the growth of, anaerobic organisms, bacteria and viruses which use carbon dioxide for fuel and leave oxy as a by product. On contact with the anaerobic organism, this action is immediate. Anaerobic bacteria are pathogens, the organisms which cause disease.

2. The aerobic bacteria, which burn oxygen for fuel and leave carbon dioxide as a by product as humans do, are found in the human intestine and come in the form of friendly bacteria which aid in digestion. The organisms thrive in the presence of hydrogen peroxide.

As far as the danger of embolism in the blood...

Air embolism


"An air embolism, or more generally gas embolism, is a medical condition caused by gas bubbles in the bloodstream (embolism in a medical context refers to any large moving mass or defect in the blood stream)"

Injecting H2O2 that will break down in oxygen which is completely soluble in blood but air is 80 percent nitrogen which is insoluble in blood.

Here is an excerpt from, "Embolism and their Formation" by Basil Wainwright,

"To understand the process of a potential embolus(embolism) occuring in the bloodstream, one must appreciate the mechanisms involved. For example, an embolism in the blood can normally be caused by numerous processes such as surgery, severe chemistry imbalances, and accidents which can cause an artery or vein compression, dislodging damaged artery or vein tissue.
Other causes of potential embolisms are fats, the introduction of air(nitrogen), amniotic fluid released into the bloodstream primarily during pregnancy or other foreign material. At no time has molecular oxygen ever been recorded to have caused an embolism; simply because when calculated levels of molecular oxygen are introduced into the blood via the veins, immediate conversion takes place. The hydroxyls and peroxyls are immediately absorbed by the hemoglobin of the veinilar-deoxygenated blood. All veins except the pulmonary vein carry oxygenated blood from the tissues back the the vena cava for oxygenation.

More from Dr. Farr on hydrogen peroxide....

"Not only is medical hydrogen peroxide important to the bodys normal function, bit its oxidizing ability can be used to oxidize weak old white blood cells, destroy immunocomplexes, kill bacteria, protozoa, and yeast, inhibit viruses, oxidize fatty deposits on the arterial walls, increase oxygen tension between cells, stimulate oxidative enzymes, return elasticity to the arterial walls, dilate coronary vessels, and regulate membrane transport."

With all this information and the results our company is seeing out in the field that is why our product is getting the results and the repeated costumer business. Many of our customers are able to reduce their vet bills down to $000.00... ;-)

Good luck

3MR":22npffj8 said:
I cant imagine why in this day and age you would inject HP.

Hello 3MR

Well I have posted many many reasons as to why you could and even should inject your livestock with H2O2. And putting H2O2 into your water supply you will see great results also.

I cant imagine why farmers would want to continue using vaccines and other synthetic medicine, which has shown to be bad for livestock, when there is a natural alternative that is more effective and better for the overall health of the livestock.....
OxyBlast":kse6esmj said:
3MR":kse6esmj said:
So I guess thats not how you found this discussion. I fyou dnt want to answer thats fine, but coudl you just say your not going to answer so I quit wondering.

Oh ok. I see where you guys are going with this, I think....lol

You all are referring to this particular thread? No I did not pick up this thread from a search engine. Here is the proof. Now look at my profile and see when I joined. April 2007. So unless I am a psychic and predicted this thread 3 months ago....I signed up here over 3 months ago. And no I did not come in here right away and start posting about our business. I saw an opportunity here and took it. For those interested in more information and finding out what we are about PM, or call us. My dad has a buy back program. He will back back any unopened product and the pump system after 4 months if you are not satisfied with the results. How can you not take that opportunity? We are here for you people and your livestock and your success... Thanks!
Okay so you joined back in April 2007 If memory serves me correctly that would be right about the time that a article was posted on the cattle today homepage. Talking about Oxyblast and Essential Water Solutions. Must be coincidence. I wonder who submitted that to Cattle Today. Maybe you submitted the article and joined to advertise your product. I believe I have seen the moderators delete most posts regarding advertisement and direct them to the free classifieds. That should be done here.

somn":18fzuaon said:
Okay so you joined back in April 2007 If memory serves me correctly that would be right about the time that a article was posted on the cattle today homepage. Talking about Oxyblast and Essential Water Solutions. Must be coincidence. I wonder who submitted that to Cattle Today. Maybe you submitted the article and joined to advertise your product. I believe I have seen the moderators delete most posts regarding advertisement and direct them to the free classifieds. That should be done here.


Hello somn

You know now that I think about it you might be right. I did a search for our product OxyBlast and found that article and started looking around at the site then found this forum. So yes I think that is what happened. And whether you believe it or not I did not submit that article. But what is the difference of me speaking about our product than others referring to a certain vaccine or remedy of other products in this section? I dont see the difference other than I have a vested interest in the product I am referring to. If that is against forum rules I would like to know. But if I just simply say, "OxyBlast can help with the health of your herd." How is that really different from someone else on here saying, "Liquamycin LA 200 helped my herd....so try that"? To me I dont see a difference...they are both a just an opinion of a product produced by a certain company. I came here to try to help people with their problems and let them know there is a solution to their problems. You would think people would be at least open to that. I have references of what our product is doing if people want references. Some here have shown an interest by writing me a PM.
Ok just so everyone will know. I wrote a PM to Mr. Gravlee and asked if my postings are over the line or exactly what I can or cant post. I want to try to help people here but I also want to abide by the rules. Thanks!

Mr. Gravlee did post this on another thread about advertising...

http://cattletoday.com/forum/viewtopic. ... ht=#298946

"It is OK to say something on the Boards like "I am selling 10 pair bred cows. If anyone is interested click this link for more info. Type link here."
OxyBlast":41tzoh0a said:
But what is the difference of me speaking about our product than others referring to a certain vaccine or remedy of other products in this section? I dont see the difference other than I have a vested interest in the product I am referring to.
VESTED INTEREST. Nothing like answering your own question. Your not offering advice or opinions to other cattlemen and women you are selling something and thats a big difference.
somn":2iicxshe said:
VESTED INTEREST. Nothing like answering your own question. Your not offering advice or opinions to other cattlemen and women you are selling something and thats a big difference.

Hello somn

Well I am doing more of the former. Offering advice and opinions about our product. I am using the product and can testify to that. And I know of the farmers that are using the product and can testify to that. I think where Mr. Gravlee draws the line(according to his post above) is if I started posting prices and such. And we dont even have the prices on our website. I will see what Mr. Gravlee says..... :D
Ok Mr. Gravlee has spoken... It seems that I did go over the line. So I guess I will just continue here reading and learning. I still have much to learn about animal husbandry and the farm. I am the type that's a little overzealous sometimes. And I believe in what our company is trying to do and the product we have. Sorry that people were bothered by my posting. It was not meant to come across that way. Good luck to all.

James B.
Well drat.. I don't think we were done humiliating him, where we? One more of those smiley faces and I was going to have to get ugly.
TheBullLady":3o0imkg4 said:
Well drat.. I don't think we were done humiliating him, where we? One more of those smiley faces and I was going to have to get ugly.

:lol: :D 8) :p ;-) Dont worry you didnt humiliate me.... :roll:
hello 3MR

Well that is just the facts. The facts are that there were doctors who were using hydrogen peroxide before and during WW II that were have great success with it. They were literally injecting their patience with it. Now how many mainstream doctors do you see doing this? None. Now it may not be a conspiracy but what else would you call it? hello 3MR

Anytime the cospiracy theory is brought up it must be true and if you dont believe it you are in on the conspiracy too. Admit it now or face the consequences!!

The second effect of hydrogen peroxide is that it provides singlet oxygen which, in turn, transforms biological waste products and industrial toxins into inert substances by oxidizing them.

"Singlet oxygen" would be a free radical. Last I heard free radicals are bad and do not limit their oxidation to just industrial toxins and waste products. It might just as easily attack a DNA strand and cause cancer.

1. It kills, or severely inhibits the growth of, anaerobic organisms, bacteria and viruses which use carbon dioxide for fuel and leave oxy as a by product. On contact with the anaerobic organism, this action is immediate. Anaerobic bacteria are pathogens, the organisms which cause disease.

Have you never picked up a science book. Oh wait they are part of the conspiracy!! Bacteria and fungi use carbon compunds for fuel (sugars, starches, etc.) for fuel regardless of the type of bacteria it is (I work in a medical laboratory and we grow bacteria all the time). Viruses dont even possess the ability to burn anything. They use DNA or RNA to trick the hosts cells into doing their reproduction. Last but not least Aerobic, not anaerobic, bacteria are the main cause for disease .

The errors and false or misconstrued statements in your responses is mind boggling but par for the course for most holistic approaches I have seen. Maybe H2O2 is beneficial and these farmers have saved money but why do you have to make up "scientific" explanations to boast your claims. I imagine its because a good portion of the people you deal with do not understand the garbage that is coming out of your mouth. Organic and holistic medicine would be alot better off if they would not try to make everything a conspiracy, the cure all, totally safe, or the greatest thing since sliced bread based on aunt Beth's account of her friends, friends experience with Doctor Flowerchild's holistic treatment. The reason holistic medicine is so against scientific research is that they are afraid that the scientific process will debunk their product and hence put them out of business. Part of the benefit of holistic medicine is that the patient believes it will work, the placebo affect is more powerful than most people realize. Let me know how you get the cows to understand the "science" of the H2O2 treatments. If the H202 treatments work for cleaning the water system great but please get an education before you start spewing this garbage again.