How much meat

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(User Above)":f4n83u9z said:
: How much meat do you get from a cow?<br>: -or-<br>: How many people can you feed with one cow?<p>Matt:<br>It depends on how big the animal is and how hungry the people are. <p>More specificaly as a general rule a fed beef will slaughter about 60 to 70 percent of his body weight with about 30 percent of that going to bone and fat. (I may be corrected on those numbers)You can do the math on a 1200 pound steer. As far as how many people that will feed, well your guess is as good as mine.
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There are several factors that will affect the answers to both of your questions. The body type and size of the animal, the cuts of meat required, and how much you plan to eat at each meal are all factors that will affect your questions. As Eugene stated, most animals will yield about 60-70% of live weight as salable product. An older dairy type cow, such as a Holstein, will most likely yield out closer to the low side of this range, where a highly muscled breed such as Belgian Blue may yield at or above the upper range. As a rule of thumb, a 1200 pound steer will produce about a 750 pound carcass of which about 500 pounds will be retail cuts. Of the carcass, 20-25% will be steaks, 20-25% will be roasts, 25-30% will be ground beef and stew meats, with the remainder will be fat, bone and other loss.<p>As for how many people this will feed, this depends upon the cut of meat and the size of the appetite. Most hamburgers are 1/4 to 1/2 pound patties prior to cooking. Steaks will range from about 1/3 to 3/4 pound prior to cooking.
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