Hook up with a custom grazer, and pay him for adding them into his operation instead. They'll be much better cared for.
What's your goal? Why do you want to get into this?
If they're 5-9 hours away, you're not going to be able to be "managing them" regularly (like daily, or even weekly). So hire someone else to "manage" them for you, if you're only in it for the $$, or the "image", or the ??? Even if you were to go say, once a week, to "manage" them 7 hours away, just consider the real cost involved in doing that. It's not feasible financially. But... if you hire someone else to manage them for you 7 hours away, they'll be getting great care regularly (hopefully...), and you only have to go once or twice through the season.. And literally, depending on your arrangement, you might even NEVER have to go there... he does it all for you, and you're only involvement would have to be the $$ involved.
So again... it depends on what your goals are? Why do you want to be doing this? And be objective and honest with yourself about that.