foaming mouth, now dead cow

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Apr 24, 2004
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I had an older cow that calved one week ago. Last night she bellered (sp) loud a few times which made everyone else run over by her. I went to see what the problem was. She seemed okay, except for a little foam at the mouth. Very little. This morning, I go check on cows and she is dead with lots of foam coming out of her nose and mouth. Ever seen this?
yeah, thats a good guess that Kelly had. the only time ive ever seen one "foam" at the mouth (and nose for that matter) was after several had been killed by lightning so no help here. sorry.
Dee":896evtei said:
I had an older cow that calved one week ago. Last night she bellered (sp) loud a few times which made everyone else run over by her. I went to see what the problem was. She seemed okay, except for a little foam at the mouth. Very little. This morning, I go check on cows and she is dead with lots of foam coming out of her nose and mouth. Ever seen this?

Perhaps a vet should autopsy this animal.
Seems like people on these boards have 2 diagnoses in their arsenals...everything is either rabies or johnes.LOL Ever cow that foams at the mouth is not rabies even though you should ALWAYS take care when dealing with them. Just like ever cow that gets thin and bottle jawed is not carrying johnes. Seems to be a lot of fear spreading goes on here from time to time. Or maybe its just ignorance (could even be mine LOL)

Ive had cows die and foam out the mouth and nose...never even considered it being rabies. Ive always thought it had to do with the rumen and what they were doing when they died....if a cow had been resting and ruminating before she died from whatever reason she is probably going to foam out the mouth and nose. Just like you sometimes find foam on the ground where cows get up in the mornings when they have been ruminating high roughage feed....not rabies, just normal rumen function. Least thats what Ive always thought. I hope the lady veterinary will correct me if Im wrong
One thing leads me to worry about rabies. With this disease, they have laryngeal paralysis and the have a different sound--ie a cow will sound like a bull. They don't, however, usually die that quickly. Choke can certainly kill them that quickly, as can aspiration etc. But on a different thought, what about frothy bloat??

Frankly, get the cow posted by a vet, then you'll know.

Hardware. They found part of a wood screw in her. Haven't gotten the report back, but when I called this am, that is waht the gal said. Strange, but she wasn't hunched up like you usually see with hardware. Just a loud beller, a little foam, then dead. I saw a group of 50 bred heifers come through the sale barn a few months ago, and they said everyone had a magnet in her. Anyone else do this for prevention?
Dee":1r3oy8ss said:
Hardware. They found part of a wood screw in her. Haven't gotten the report back, but when I called this am, that is waht the gal said. Strange, but she wasn't hunched up like you usually see with hardware. Just a loud beller, a little foam, then dead. I saw a group of 50 bred heifers come through the sale barn a few months ago, and they said everyone had a magnet in her. Anyone else do this for prevention?

When we fed hay that was baled with wire or from fields that had been baled with wire we alwasy put a magnet in them. They're cheap insurance, and if you butcher the cow/calf/steer you can reclaiim the magnet, clean it up and drop it into another one.

Thanks dun....also, I mean this in a good way, you are the most frugal (sp) person! I need to take lessons.
Thanks for following up for us. Interesting case. Hate it that it happened to you, but sharing it with us helps all of us.
I had an older cow that calved one week ago. Last night she bellered (sp) loud a few times which made everyone else run over by her. I went to see what the problem was. She seemed okay, except for a little foam at the mouth. Very little. This morning, I go check on cows and she is dead with lots of foam coming out of her nose and mouth. Ever seen this?

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