This. Has been a shitty day.
Woke up at 4 am and went to check on a few calves I'd moved to a new pasture. One was missing.
I stumbled around in the dark on rough pasture with only my cell phone light. Looked and looked and looked. Gone. I decide he can't be far and will certainly come for grain in a few hours, so I decide I'd better go check on my log splitter and chain saws and tractor I left down on our north end. As I walk out of the new pasture I literally trip over the missing calf, fall flat on my face, and, of course, into a nice fresh pile of cow ****.
I'll wait for ya to stop laughing …
Go on. It WAS funny.
Somehow I looked beyond the opening of the pasture and saw his compadre, and assumed they would be together as always, and didn't look at the entrance.
Tripped over the sumbeech, which scared the hell out of him, so I'm a 60-yr old, bumbling, stumbling old fool laying in **** and now worried my pissed off bull calf is gonna gore me.
I jump up and calm him down and head to the Mule. Damn thing won't start. Ugggh. 4:30 am and I can't get my side by side going.
That's ok because I have a tractor and it's a beautiful morning and Ill just walk over and get it.
Make it to the tractor and I realize …. CRAP … I took the key out of it last night and put it in the house. Dang it.. Gotta walk all the way back to the house.
Make it to the house and I realize, crap, I CANT GO IN THERE with **** all over me. Do I call my lovely wife at 5 am and wake her up to bring me the key? She hasnt slept well lately so I decide no. I will let her sleep.
So I strip down outside and spray myself down with the garden hose. How refreshing.
I finally make it inside the house and what do I see? My wife in the kitchen making herself coffee.
Go ahead. I will wait for you to stop laughing. Again.
The day didn't get any worse, but it sure as hell didn't get any better, either.
But. It's great to be alive. I don't have cancer and don't currently know anyone who does. We have three freezers full of great meat, some money in the bank, all of our broken down **** is paid for lol and we have PLAYOFF HOCKEY on tv tonight babeeee!
Woke up at 4 am and went to check on a few calves I'd moved to a new pasture. One was missing.
I stumbled around in the dark on rough pasture with only my cell phone light. Looked and looked and looked. Gone. I decide he can't be far and will certainly come for grain in a few hours, so I decide I'd better go check on my log splitter and chain saws and tractor I left down on our north end. As I walk out of the new pasture I literally trip over the missing calf, fall flat on my face, and, of course, into a nice fresh pile of cow ****.
I'll wait for ya to stop laughing …
Go on. It WAS funny.
Somehow I looked beyond the opening of the pasture and saw his compadre, and assumed they would be together as always, and didn't look at the entrance.
Tripped over the sumbeech, which scared the hell out of him, so I'm a 60-yr old, bumbling, stumbling old fool laying in **** and now worried my pissed off bull calf is gonna gore me.
I jump up and calm him down and head to the Mule. Damn thing won't start. Ugggh. 4:30 am and I can't get my side by side going.
That's ok because I have a tractor and it's a beautiful morning and Ill just walk over and get it.
Make it to the tractor and I realize …. CRAP … I took the key out of it last night and put it in the house. Dang it.. Gotta walk all the way back to the house.
Make it to the house and I realize, crap, I CANT GO IN THERE with **** all over me. Do I call my lovely wife at 5 am and wake her up to bring me the key? She hasnt slept well lately so I decide no. I will let her sleep.
So I strip down outside and spray myself down with the garden hose. How refreshing.
I finally make it inside the house and what do I see? My wife in the kitchen making herself coffee.
Go ahead. I will wait for you to stop laughing. Again.
The day didn't get any worse, but it sure as hell didn't get any better, either.

But. It's great to be alive. I don't have cancer and don't currently know anyone who does. We have three freezers full of great meat, some money in the bank, all of our broken down **** is paid for lol and we have PLAYOFF HOCKEY on tv tonight babeeee!