Cattle brands

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Well-known member
Nov 21, 2015
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west central wi
I bought 2 cows this spring that have a brand on them. Never gave it much thought when I bought them but for some reason I just started wondering if there is anyway to see where those cows came from? some type of "cattle brand registry" ?
I don't know where you're located. In Texas they're registered at the county level, but in most (or maybe all) other states they're registered at the state level. Also in Texas and Oklahoma I believe the TSCRA keeps up with them. If you have a similar organization where you are they could probably help, or at least tell you which state agency to contact.
Thanks for the information. I will have to do some digging then. I doubt they are from the state I am in, Wisconsin, as you just don't see much branding here. Kind of figured they came from either one of the Dakotas or maybe Nebraska. No way of telling as they were bought at a sale barn. Just thought it would be interesting to see where they might have started out at.
uplandnut":leh720ep said:
Thanks for the information. I will have to do some digging then. I doubt they are from the state I am in, Wisconsin, as you just don't see much branding here. Kind of figured they came from either one of the Dakotas or maybe Nebraska. No way of telling as they were bought at a sale barn. Just thought it would be interesting to see where they might have started out at.

You could try a google-search of/for brands, and see where that takes you.
Try your local brand inspector. He/She will have access to all the registered brands and if the cows came from another state He/She will probably know someone to check with.
Even Virginia has a brand registry.Maybe I should register mine.Still have the irons from way back when.Don't know who used them last.Dad never did.I don't plan to unless I freeze brand and it takes different irons
JW IN VA":124r3xb3 said:
Even Virginia has a brand registry.Maybe I should register mine.Still have the irons from way back when.Don't know who used them last.Dad never did.I don't plan to unless I freeze brand and it takes different irons

Waaayyyy back when, my husband's parents had their brand in MT. My BIL has the brands now, uses them as a decoration.
The trouble is that without know which state they came from it will be difficult to track them down. My brand (N) registered here in Washington is also registered by other people in Oregon, Montana, and Nebraska. And that is just the states that I know of. Most single iron simple brands would be very similar, registered in multiple states.
If your cows have Brucellosis tags, I think they show the state where they were vaccinated.
cowtownjim":mk0f2xmv said:
If your cows have Brucellosis tags, I think they show the state where they were vaccinated.

Wow. Best post I've ever seen a beginner make.
A sprinkling of blithering idiots here, brand and their brand is not registered. Further complicating the process.
when I branded...
I freeze branded
I branded the animals tattoo number on her hip.
I recently saw a cow I sold well over ten years ago and knew who she was immediately.
she was the producers pride and joy and his pet cow....he takes her some samich bread to hand feed her every time he goes to check the cows...

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