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An old mentor of mine once told me the only way to beat a baldy cow was with a stick. He was right.
True for commercial cows, but some will not buy baldy cows, and some will not buy rwf calves, here. So you need to know your market.

When we did our 2021 drought sell down the percent of baldy cows in the herd increased noticeably.
I'm going to a sale today. They are selling reg Hereford, commercial Hereford and F1 black baldys. Going to be interesting to see how the commercial and baldys bring in comparison to the papered Herf.
Here baldies usually will bring a small premium, and Herefords will have a significant discount.
Depends a lot on how they advertise the sales - - to bring in commercial wf cow lovers - - but I would estimate a $200 to $300 difference.