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in what context? is it like on a sales receipt from a stockyard under the description?

i would guess the BB means black baldy and i dont know about AA but i'll just throw out a wild guess, Aberdeen Angus. but i didnt think anyone called them that anymore. could that be right?
I had though of Aberdeen Angus also, and maybe Belguin Blue


> in what context? is it like on a
> sales receipt from a stockyard
> under the description?

> i would guess the BB means black
> baldy and i dont know about AA but
> i'll just throw out a wild guess,
> Aberdeen Angus. but i didnt think
> anyone called them that anymore.
> could that be right?
Thanks for your reply, yes the description is on a sales receipt from a stock yard. Also HFD SHX Heifers and Char Steer, not sure what these mean either. My husband bought the cattle. This was our first purchase. Hope you can help.

[email protected]
HFD SHX is a Hereford SHorthorn cross, Char Steer is Charolais steer. AA may be Ayrshire Angus but I don;t really think so, the BB is most likely black baldy. Do these fit the descriptions of any of the cattle?


> Thanks for your reply, yes the
> description is on a sales receipt
> from a stock yard. Also HFD SHX
> Heifers and Char Steer, not sure
> what these mean either. My husband
> bought the cattle. This was our
> first purchase. Hope you can help.

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