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  1. E

    Anyone use grass seed hay to feed cows?

    Yeah, you need to be careful that fescue straw is endophyte free, but bluegrass is fine. Bluegrass straw is really pretty good feed. You need a little alfalfa or protein supplement, but cattle really like bluegrass. We have seen them sort through and eat it before the better quality hay.
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    Austrian Winter Peas to Graze

    Anybody ever grown these to graze? We are looking for a way to stretch pasture so we can take a cutting of hay to help a pasture cash flow. Any info is appreciated.
  3. E

    Suggestions for winter grazing?.?.?

    Triticale should hold up fine for all of you down south. There's a few guys that graze it up here, until there is almost nothing left, then move off it and let it grow in the spring then bale it and plant sweet corn in the fields. It works pretty good I think.
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    Roundup Ready Alfalfa

    Not just organic people helped postpone the use the use of RR Alfalfa. The majority of alfalfa is sold export and all the Pacific ring countries are against it. That is what I have heard is the major reason.
  5. E

    Somebody help me out on my hay question.

    Heck, theres guys up here pay $90 to $110 for feeder hay per ton. And thats not even the good stuff.
  6. E

    How many can get through a winter with only pasture grazing

    We could run all winter without hay, but we don't. We run our cattle with my wife's uncle who is also a very large hay grower. We run on timothy fields in the winter that have grown back well after 2nd cutting. He always has a bunch of hay that won't go export so we use it up the best we can...
  7. E

    Cow Preference: Pasture vs Hay

    I would keep them eating grass as long as they keep their condition. I worked up by North Plains, OR one year and know how swappy it will get pretty soon, but if you have grass still, save your hay. You could give them some grass hay for now to extend your grass, but cut the grain from the...
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    Renovating Weedy Crop Land into Pasture

    Burning canadian thistle hasn't work real well for us. You might try to spray it out before you plant and use a proven chemical. I realize once you have the alfalfa/clover planted, it's hard to spray, so if it pencils out, try to spray before you plant. Then once established, it should choke...
  9. E

    Grazing frost killed alfalfa

    You should be fine after two week from a killing frost. Not too sure about the nitrate problem though. We have alot of guys run cows on frost killed alfalfa and they haven't had any problems as far as I know. To be safe you could throw out some stemmy hay to help fill up their guts. Maybe...
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    Moisture MEters

    The two hand method is the best way to tell before you can get it in a bale. Do you rake two windrows together before you run your round baler over it? On the grass hay that we put up, we let it dry for a couple days, depending on heat and wind, then rake it and bale late in the afternoon. Of...
  11. E

    average daily gain of a steer calf and a heifer calf???

    I agree with randiliana. I weaned off 5 steer calves to take to a club calf sale, purebred to 1/2 Angus, born in March & April, and those calves gained 2.4 to 2.7 ADG. Those calves were roughly 115 to 140 days old, and I figured that was as good as you could ask for. The funny thing was that...
  12. E

    Looking for cheap winter graze -possibilites

    Get somebody to mow the 100 ac, then turn the cows in on it. The only prolem is that the sunflowers may keep coming back. Mowing it would be the cheapest way to start controlling the sunflowers. The only other thing to work fast would be to get it sprayed, but it will be expensive.
  13. E

    winter or late fall forage

    Drilling it will give you a better chance to get a good stand. Rye grass usually does okay in the spring, but you are going to plant now or this fall, graze it all winter, and hope it comes back in the spring, you will have to move the cows off of it for a month or so in the spring. Good luck.
  14. E

    What to do with dry hay?

    It will still have some feed value to it even though it isn't nice and green. Like dun said, as long as there is no mold, it will be okay. It will still push a turd. Just feed it along with some better hay and get the energy out of it.
  15. E

    Annual Grazing Crops-Wheat or Other?

    Go find someone that sells Triticale. It is a cross between rye & wheat that alot of people use up here for your same situation. Just be aware that the stuff can get 5 to 6 feet tall, but cattle will still graze it. It's best to get it growing up to about 2 feet, graze it hard, get off it for...
  16. E

    How much alfalfa to seed with grasses?

    You should check with your seed company and find out if they have any of the pasture(grazable) alfalfa. That way you could go with a 50:50 mix. Most of the time you would only want about 20% alfalfa in your mix. You should also think about some other grasses to mix in with your orchard grass...