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    Hang on tight

    That's what a lot of people did last fall and there is more cattle in the US this year than last year. Here's my prediction for what it's worth: 45% chance of hitting the low next spring at about 10 points lower and then stabilizing. 45% chance of the cattle market continuing to go down for...
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    What a night

    I can feel your pain a little today! Picked up 10 calves at the barn last night. 2 700 pound butcher steers and 8 500 pound just weaned heifers that were balling for mamma. I locked them up in the corrals, double checked the gates before heading to bed. One of the 6 gates in the corrals was a...
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    Profit on stockers

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    Questions about "family cow" stuff

    I would also like to stress that you would want to get a cow with good temperament, like others have mentioned. You can probably tame anything down to a certain point but some only so far. Here's an example: A couple years ago, my son was taming a heifer calf down for the 4H fair. Even though...
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    Questions about "family cow" stuff

    I believe the old timers milked the cow in the evening and then locked the cow in the barn at night and then milked in the morning. The cow was typically on pasture during the day, maybe not the best pasture (maybe like your pasture) for good tasting milk. The evening milking was feed to...
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    How to make money in the cattle business?

    Don't discount that college degree. With this day and age if you want a decent paying job you need a degree. You need something to fall back on if things don't pan out with going ranching....before you have a wife and kids. I'm speaking from experience...My wife and I's goal when we got...
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    What's a fair price to sell farm beef for?

    Are you telling your customers your selling them these beautiful old cull cows and bulls or are you just sneaking it to them with your great story lol! ...ha I'll stick with my grain fed steers!
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    Treatment for snotty nose coughing calf

    I'm trying something a friend's Vet suggested to him and he thinks it works. Two days after a 6cc/100wt subQ shot of Nuflor, follow up daily with a "nice" dose of Penicillin daily until it gets better. The vet said penicillin should take care of anything that Nuflor wouldn't. I've only tried...