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  1. J

    The deciding Factor: Which Livestock?

    Thanks to: Andybob, dcara, TheBullLady, la4angus, Beefy, The Autrailian cattleman, and aplusmnt. With all of your advice, were are looking into the goat option, though we are still interested in exploring cattle options. we appreciate your input! My God bless all your endevours!
  2. J

    The deciding Factor: Which Livestock?

    Do you do strictly market steers? Or do you sell them as,,,how to put it..."lawn ornaments"? My mom has always wanted one as a lawn ornament :P Do they do well enough that you can run a small herd and make enough profit? Thanks for the advice!
  3. J

    The deciding Factor: Which Livestock?

    I know what you mean about not being able to afford steak, tho' down here it is usually because we have to spend it all on the A/C! :P
  4. J

    The deciding Factor: Which Livestock?

    Sorry, but what are F-1s?
  5. J

    The deciding Factor: Which Livestock?

    Thanks so much for the encouragement! As I like to tell my older co-workers "I'm just trying to hold on to my youthful exuberance for as long as possible!"
  6. J

    The deciding Factor: Which Livestock?

    Thanks right back ;-)
  7. J

    The deciding Factor: Which Livestock?

    Congrats on your marriage! I hope God Blesses you with a long and happy one! (now, from what my mother says, you can FEEL like killing them at times, as long as you DON'T go through with it....)
  8. J

    The deciding Factor: Which Livestock?

    At my parent's place, we have 4 big black dogs that scare pretty much everything away, so coyotes haven't been a problem for us since we got them. Of course, the pack of wolves that my nieghbor has helps that too, just the thought of them getting out terrifies me now...I've seen what they have...
  9. J

    The deciding Factor: Which Livestock?

    Thanks, I'll look them up. I did have a Boer at one time, and they are really great producers, the only thing is they are grand escapologists! Had to have our Rosie put down because she broke her leg jumping fences and then got a bone infection.
  10. J

    The deciding Factor: Which Livestock?

    This place already has an ag exemption, as at one time it was part of a larger property. Also, it is hemmed in by 2 large ranches, so the fencing is recent, and really well done. We are thinking of this as a starting place, our launch pad. Really, We want to make enough to help pay off the...
  11. J

    The deciding Factor: Which Livestock?

    Thank you to everyone who has given advice, we appreciate it alot! I hope God Blesses all your endevors!
  12. J

    The deciding Factor: Which Livestock?

    Never thought I'd blush reading a bulliten board...thanks :D
  13. J

    The deciding Factor: Which Livestock?

    Thanks, as you can probably tell, we are just starting out. We both work 2 jobs, and are looking at this as an investment, and hopefully an enjoyable experience.
  14. J

    The deciding Factor: Which Livestock?

    We are looking at a little over 5 acres in Northern Lampasas county. Kalichy (sp?) soil, scrubby grass, but it gets a decent amouint of rainfall for Central Tx. We have considered hay, maybe alfalfa. And while I do like goats, I like livestock in general, so as long as I am outside and with...
  15. J

    The deciding Factor: Which Livestock?

    in our area, there are alot of people that run 10 or so head at a time, I figure if we go for cattle and run a very organized and strategic operation (yeah, I know, unrealistic, but hey, I'm an optimist) we can maybe run 20 a year. I have considered running a goat/calf operation, but my Dad says...
  16. J

    The deciding Factor: Which Livestock?

    My boyfriend is purchasing a small acreage in Central Texas, and we want to run some livestock, for fun but mostly profit. We both have animal experience, I am a former 4-H'er with mainly goat experience, I raised goats for show, dairy and market, While Charlie used to work on his Grandfather's...