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  1. P

    Calf can't get up

    No, there is no change. I did give it 2 shots of dexamethasone that I got from the Vet. I an getting no where and am clueless as to what to do. This will not end well tomorrow if nothing is changed by morning. Best of luck with your calf.
  2. P

    Calf can't get up

    This is the 3rd time this has happened this year. I have a 450lb calf that is otherwise healthy but ca't get up. No other symptoms at all. I leave them hay in the evening and all cattle are fine. In the morning the calf is laying there and cant get up. These are big healthy calves this is...
  3. P

    Sell or hold

    I have some 500 to 600 lb. calves ready to go to sale right now. I also have several 400 lb. calves. The market for calves around here in NW Arkansas has been going down the past few weeks. Would you folks sell now or wait a month or two. I appreciate your thoughts.
  4. P

    Cow has white eye

    I checked my cows and noticed that one of them has a whitish, yellow eye. I am talking about the entire eye. It doesn't keep it shut or anything. It looks awful. What should I do? My vet won't be back till thursday. This is a black cow, the other eye being dark brown.
  5. P

    warts around eyes

    Go to a pharmacist that you know and see if he can get you a silver nitrate applicator.
  6. P

    New bull has cloudy eye

    When I got the bull home I noticed he has what looks like a slightly white cloud across the center of its left eye. There is no tearing or anything else. It is not noticable except upon close examination. Does anyone know what could have caused this and is it something to be concerned...
  7. P

    Pinkeye medicine

    Is there an oral remedy for pinkeye. I don't have a chute to get the cow in to give a shot. I'm looking for something to put in the feed.