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  1. J

    Lump Jaw Treatment

    So LA300 has treatment qualities for lump jaw? That's good to know. I will definitely do that. Thank you!
  2. J

    Lump Jaw Treatment

    We have one cow in 2nd trimester and one cow in third trimester that appear to have lump jaw. I haven't been able to feel the lumps to see if they are soft or hard. I want to do it all in one chute load. If it's soft, I am prepared to lance, drain and treat. BUT - being pregnant - will...
  3. J

    Bovine Lymphoma

    We have never experienced lymphoma in our small herd and quite frankly didn't realize it was a possibility. We had a cow that recently had a calf and started losing weight. We thought she was drained from the baby nursing so heavily so we up'd her grain but she still wasn't gaining. She...
  4. J

    Tranquing a cow to capture

    Wow - thanks for all the responses! Love the cartoon btw. Haha. We live in SE Kansas. We rented the tranq gun from our vet last weekend and didn't see hide nor hair of the wench all weekend until we took our plane up and found her waaay north in a field that we couldnt get her loaded if we...
  5. J

    Tranquing a cow to capture

    Hahaha - that thought HAS crossed our minds. :) Her name has been Missy - but I've been calling her T-bone.
  6. J

    Garlic for Fly Control

    Fly baits work but be sure you don't have it anywhere around other animals. When I was young, my dog took one lap of some yellow fly bait my dad had in the hog barn and the dog convulsed and was dead in 30 seconds.
  7. J

    calf warts

    We had a bout of calf warts last year. Our vet said that sunlight is the best thing to make them disappear. Sure enough - the following year - they didnt have them. Some of the new babies have gotten them - apparently the older ones have an immunity to them? But we haven't had any stay with...
  8. J

    Tranquing a cow to capture

    No, Hook - she is out in 100 acres of opened timber and knows when we are trying to take her towards fence or panels - we've tried all of that. She'll play along for a little while and then bolt into the brush where we can't get near her. We made a pen in the timber to feed her in - she won't...
  9. J

    Tranquing a cow to capture

    She won't take anything out of our hand and if we put feed down, if we get within 20 feet of her - she's outta there and doesn't care about the feed. She is in some lush green timber right now so she is FAT. Unfortunately, there is a chance she'll drop in the timber and I don't know if we'll...
  10. J

    Tranquing a cow to capture

    We have a rougue 900 heifer in our 100 acre timber with no way of convincing her to get back in with the other cattle. She has gotten wild enough to herd like a hog. We can get about 20 feet from her and she bolts into the brush like a deer. So....with all options exhausted - we're...
  11. J

    Cow down question

    We just had a first time heifer go down after a failed birth. We gave her a couple of anti-inflammatory shots and a shot of LA 200. We let her get her strength a little for 2 days feeding her quality hay and grain and then used used a hip lift and hoist to get her to her feet. We did that...
  12. J

    Blue Tongue Disease

    Thank you for your responses. You've put my mind at ease. We just had two major snowstorms here in SE Kansas and temps dropping really low - so hopefully that takes care of it for us. On to the next issue with our beloved cattle. :)
  13. J

    Blue Tongue Disease

    Has anyone had cattle get blue tongue disease? We have had reported cases found in deer just a few miles from our house. So I was concerned on how susceptible cattle are and if so - what can be done for preventive maintenance. Anyone had experience with this?
  14. J

    Snake bit?

    Again with background info - WE did not let the heifer get bred too early. It was another person's neglect that caused that. We got her and kept watch on her and she did just fine. I appreciate any CONSTRUCTIVE advice - I can just do away with the misinformed opinions. I don't visit this...
  15. J

    fly control

    We broke down and got the expensive Ivomec Eprinex and I gotta say it's great. We still fight face flies but we poured our cattle over a month ago and they are fly free on their back, sides and underbelly. A few on the feet and face but I have used fly spray on that occasionally. The flies...
  16. J

    Wart/Grub ?

    We have a little heifer we got at a sale barn recently and I noticed she has two dime sized warts on her face. I talked to our vet and he said that normally sunshine and time will make them disappear but if they don't - they have a vaccine we can pick up and give her. I would give it some time...
  17. J

    Snake bit?

    FYI Knersie - You have no idea how much love and care our heifers get. We are out there every single day with them and feed them better than anyone else I know. She happened to be a calf of a first time heifer that had her too early for her age (so that typically makes them a small calf). Our...
  18. J

    More Heifer Pics

    Because every calf deserves a chance - and it paid off VERY well for us.
  19. J

    More Heifer Pics

    And your little solid black calf looks great - especially considerng what she's been through. We kept back one that looked a lot like her and the next year - she was one of our best looking. So you never can tell. Just love her like the rest and she'll be fine. :o)
  20. J

    More Heifer Pics

    They are all really nice looking heifers. I especially like the 2nd one - the b/w face. Really thick build. Very nice!