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    Cattle Health Books

    The Cattle Health Handbook by Heather Smith Thomas is a really good one too, has a lot of good info on common ailments in cattle.
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    A comprehensive list of mineral deficiencies and symptoms

    Good article, I saved it as well for future reference. Thanks for sharing. :)
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    Not disease - weed??

    Angus, maybe besides the fecal sample you should get a blood sample done too just to see if SL is indeed correct on his hunch, or if there's something else going around that is causing you animals to go down so fast. At first I was thinking Johnes or even BVD but my gut tells me it's not...
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    Automatic Waterers

    We have a couple of ~40 y.o. UFA waterers that are still working fine. The one behind the barn we don't have running because something may be wrong with the water pipe that's making it leak. Last time we had the back waterer working there was a nice little pond right beside it, though we...
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    HD, it's available here, as the vet purchased some not too long ago, so it could be available where you are.
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    It's a new drug that just came out a couple months ago by the same company who made Nuflor. I was just curious if anyone has tried it yet?
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    Navel Hernias

    Dr. B was saying something similar to the client with this calf. But he more asked if the cow had calves like this (mind you, on a smaller scale), and what kind of bull he was using. Yes I agree it does seem too random to be genetic, but apparently there seems to be no other way to explain it...
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    Navel Hernias

    Anyone ever heard of calves getting navel hernias? More so, having any calves to go into surgery to get a N.H fixed? Usually the hernias I've heard about are only about the size of two fingers, but this one the vet Dr. B had to operate on was a little over the size of the length of my whole...
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    Don't stop with what you already have going for you, nor do I think switching meds might do any good either. If you read the label on Nuflor it should say how long to keep injecting the calf with the stuff. I had experience with stopping the meds as soon as a calf was showing signs of...
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    Swollen Brisket in Calf

    Yuck. :o Make sure you get the wound flushed out with some antiseptic (NOT antibiotic) mixed with warm water (should say directions on the bottle) and with some sort of pump, get that area flushed and cleaned out completely so it don't become infected again. And do just do this once either; a...
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    Weanling bull, poor thrive, now licking his nose constantly

    Have you contacted your vet yet?
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    Swollen Brisket in Calf

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    Swollen Brisket in Calf

    It sounds more like an abcess than anything. Probably be best to lance it to get the pus out...
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    Cattle drinking urine

    Really. :? See below: For pica: SLURRY/URINE DRINKING Persistent drinking of slurry or urine (sometimes drunk directly from other animals) occurs mainly as a herd problem in calved cows wintered indoors or in yards. The problem is more aesthetic than economic, as general herd health and...
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    Help.....Calf going bald.

    MM i was thinking the same thing. Sounded like ringworm until he said about the white portions of the animals' hide is sloughing off. Better see a vet about this soon IMO, kdougl.
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    TMR to feeder cattle

    Protein percentage for those weights should be 14%. 16% CP are for the 400 lb calves. Once they grow up to be 800 lbs CP has to be around 12%. Since they are at a smaller weight and should be grown out to put weight on in form of more muscle than fat, I would feed corn at ~30 to 40% of their...
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    Good post. I found the ratio that jt mentioned. It was 8:8:20, in one of my lecture notes on fall feeding rations. It said that the last number was % sodium, so I'm assuming that the first two are % calcium and then % phosphorous....from what I've been reading on here....
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    Cancer Eye....Passed On?

    "Bovine ocular neoplasia includes a variety of benign and malignant skin tumors of the eyeball and eyelids.  Benign tumors are growths that do not spread to other parts of the body and do not tend to grow into surrounding tissues.  They can cause local problems with eye function, but do not...
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    help! sick cow

    :shock: BS!! I'd say four different spots is at the most for injecting LA 200. Why bother poking a cow 7 or 8 times (into practically a pin cushion) when you could just poke her 2 or 4 times?? I know I wouldn't stand being poked with a needle 7 or 8 times...would you?
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    pics of cow problems and other stuff -- for the newbies

    Steer with abcess on front right shoulder Steer with internal parasites and mange (can't see much of the mange though :oops: ) Steer in front ground had pneumonia, and one in the barn is the one pictured above.