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    Tax Purchase

    Skyhigh, for the life of me I can't figure out why you are unwilling to pay your fair share, its for the Syria! :mrgreen: I think you said you farm about 1500 acres, it takes fuel, fert., tires etc. 15,000 gal of fuel would be about 52,000, pre buy...
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    As if you didn't know

    I just happen to have a 20k lb cap forklift at the ranch, and have been known to use it! Sure is fun to see the these clowns looking for a car or truck that aint there!
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    skyhigh, you do not need a paving machine, all it really does is control the depth and how wide the a/c mix is applied. grade and pack the road base (the better the compaction, the longer the life of the a/c) spray a prime coat (this holds the a/c together, do not skip), spread your mix, roll...
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    I'd pay good $$

    GB, there is a book, titled How round is your hole, don't remember the author. There is a chapter on drilling square holes. It's just the way the bit is ground, works in wood and metal. Bet it would work in dirt also. Orton
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    Am I missing something here?

    Forget the UK, the 6%, etc. If I need "healthcare" I'd rather pay my own way anytime. Get the gov. out and let the price reflect the real cost. Next thing on the way will be shoes for everyone. Them Air Jordans (or what ever) is out of reach for the poor working class, should we not fix that too?
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    Longhorn or corriente calves

    KT, did you try that combing thing to see if that buff liked you before loading? :D Have never seen anything that could go in so many directions all at the same time, or as quick, as a buffalo, when they think they're trapped! Still have some in the pasture with the Limmi's for that light...
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    Most Profitable Cattle Region

    It's kah-lee-forn-ya! Happy cows=big profits! cheers