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    Red meat and dairy products may support our body's ability to infiltrate and fight off cancer cells.

    Eat meat and dairy with very few low carb veggies and no sugar and as close to zero carbs. Cancer cells thrive on sugar. Remove all sugar from your diet if you can.
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    Rough waters ahead...

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family! I know exactly what you are going through because I went through the same thing with my father and leaving him knowing it would be the last time I ever spoke to him was the hardest thing I have ever gone through!
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    Ferguson fiasco

    But my problem is that it wasn't like he was some honor roll student walking home from his 2nd job to earn money for college. He had just robbed a store and when confronted by the police to walk on the sidewalk he ignored the officer. Then when confronted with his robbery, he attacked the police...
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    Ferguson fiasco

    This will never be reported by the media as well. Also the fact that Mike Brown robbed a store shortly before his confrontation with Officer Wilson...
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    Daily Joke

    In class the teacher notices little Johnny staring out the window. The teacher asked, "Johnny, if there are 3 birds sitting on a fence, and you shoot one, how many are left?" Little Johnny replies "None, because the shot scared them all away." "No" says the teacher "there will only be two, but I...
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    Ferguson fiasco

    Hopefully those buildings were cleared out before the fires. Had I had a business there my store would have been completely empty yesterday! If someone burned it down, all I do is collect the fire insurance! Also might have shot a few people protecting my property!
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    Catching an OK Cattle Thief

    Pretty sure all barns in Texas have to take down descriptions and any markings. Also cattle rustlin gets sent right to the Texas Rangers! Funny how those guys take the cows to the nearest sale barn!
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    Thanksgiving Dinner Ideas

    Getting together with GF's family and My daughter and grand daughter are coming so it will be traditional. Turkey and homemade cornbread dressing giblet gravy sweet potato casserole(i prefer glazed sweet potatoes myself) Potato Salad le sueur peas spinach madeline green bean casserole homemade...
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    Just want to say thanks to all the conservatives that voted.

    There is one thing and one thing only that will fix the political system in America! That is enacting term limits and matching political contributions and doing away with retirement benefits for politicians! Where can you serve 2 terms and get full retirement benefits in America. 1 place only...
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    Solar Farms

    1.5 billion dollars, wasting 4000 acres of land to supply 32000 homes with electricity. At 200.00 per home per month, it will take 19 years to recoup the investment. In that time who knows what other maintenance or costs would be involved. Or you could just take the 1.5 billion dollars invest it...
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    Daily Joke

    A local United Way office realized that the organization had never received a donation from the town’s most successful lawyer. The person in charge of contributions called him to persuade him to contribute. “Our research shows that out of a yearly income of at least $500,000, you give not a...